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Winning A winchester ch1

Bella was driving, it seemed like that was all she ever did these days. Always on the road. She hated why it needed to be done but enjoyed seeing all the new places. If she had become a vampire Bella could see the appeal to being nomadic. Talk about ironic since the only reason she was doing this was because of some crazed nomadic vampire bitch that wouldn't stop chasing her. Bella wasn't about to make her death easy for the red head out to kill her though.




The sign read as she sped by. The further in Bella drove the emptier it seemed. No people anywhere, the occasional abandoned building or car to the side of the road. It looked practically apocalyptic.


She could see a dilapidated looking gas station up ahead, she wondered if the pumps still worked. Bella was contemplating on if she should stop and give it a try when a loud boom sounded from her left. She whipped her head to the side to see an invisible force almost like a shockwave headed straight for her. She stomped on the brakes and laid down across her seats waiting for the impact. Sure enough Bella had just barely made it in time before the force shook her truck, luckily though it didn't do any damage except to startle her.


She sat up inspecting the area around her but nothing was damaged. Her windows still intact.


"What the hell was that?" She mumbled to herself


Her curiosity was going to get her killed one day she knew but she had to know what that was. What if someone closer to the blast had gotten hurt?


Bella moved her car and parked it at the gas station. Which of course was also abandoned.


"Well that answers that at least."


She got out of her car and began walking in the direction she thought the blast originated. It took her further and further into a forest like area.


"Yea this isn't suspicious" She said aloud


Bella had picked up a bad habit of talking to herself out loud since she was all alone now. The silence that surrounded her all the time drove her nuts so she fixed it by talking to herself often. A habit she was sure made most people wonder if she should be tossed in an Asylum.


It wasn't long before she stepped into a clearing, an unnatural one. The sight before her gave her chills. In the middle of the opening was a grave site with a handmade wooden cross. Surrounding it were trees all laid down in a wide circle almost like something from the grave exploded. That didn't make sense though because it was the only thing that looked perfectly intact.


"Screw it."


She came this far. Bella walked to the cross and crouched down. On the center of it was an engraving clearly carved with a knife.


'Here lies Dean, a brother, friend, savior and son.


This man was clearly loved and looked up to by someone.


"Help!" Knock Knock.


Bella fell backwards on her ass. Where did that voice and those noises come from?




Her eyes grew wide as saucers as realization struck her.


"No fucking way."


She looked at the ground near her feet and the dirt shook slightly. Is he buried alive??? Bella didn't stop to think about the possibility of a zombie or why there was trees scattered around them on the ground. She heard someone begging for help and that was enough for her.


She crawled on her knees and tore into the dirt with her bare hands. She dug as fast as possible. After what felt like too long but was only a minute she started to feel something.


Bella gasped as a hand broke through the dirt reaching out to her. She grabbed it and pulled. Bella dug her heels into the ground and leaned her body back for leverage never letting go of the stranger. It was getting harder to breathe from the sheer effort and strain but finally a man crawled out from the ground and landed in a heap on top of her gasping for air.













"Thank you thank you." The man wheezed and coughed. His face, nose and mouth covered in dirt.


Bella took off her over shirt and began wiping the dirt from his face so he could breathe better.


"Are you okay???" She was frantic. Did someone bury him alive?


"I'm not sure yet, let me get back to you." He coughed again. It was becoming easier for him to breathe the more the dirt was wiped away.


Bella snorted. She didn't know how he could be so calm and cracking jokes at the moment but it did help ease her tension and she wasn't freaking out anymore.


"Come on let me help you up."


Bella crawled out from underneath him and stood, reaching out to pull him up with her.


"Thanks sweetheart. Thought I was going to suffocate down there. What's your name?"


"Bella. You?" She asked tossing his arm over her shoulder so she could support some of his weight as he got his bearings.




Bella's head whipped around to look at him so fast she was surprised she didn't get whiplash.


"Um not that Dean right?" She asked while pointing to the grave marker.


The man turned to see what she was pointing at.


"Huh... He buried me; thought he would burn me."


"I'm sorry what the fuck did you just say? And what's going on?!"


"That’s what I'd like to know."


"You just crawled out of a grave... WHY?!"


"Cuz I was dead?"


"Are you asking?"


"No I'm telling, just being sarcastic because why else would I be in a grave sweetheart."


"I think I feel my brain shutting off....."


"Wait why are you here? Did you revive me?"


"What? No! If I could raise the dead you certainly wouldn't be my first pick!"


The man shrugged. "Fair enough."


"Look I don't know what's going on but is there something I can do to help you at least before I leave?"


"You always help strangers?"


"Certainly feeling like a mistake about now." She mumbled


Dean hung his head and chuckled.


"Sorry sweetheart, didn't mean to sound ungrateful. I appreciate it really. I just...."


"Just be honest please, people are always lying to me. I know you don't know me but because you don't know me, what do you have to lose?"


"Alright. Full disclosure?" Bella nodded her head. "I was dead. I woke up just now in a damn coffin. I have no idea how I'm alive or why or who brought me back but I'm going to find out. Being resurrected feels more like an omen than something good at least. Hell in my experiences. Nothing good comes from something like this."


Bella nodded her head in understanding. It certainly sounded suspicious.


"So where are you going to start looking for answers."


"A family friend or my brother. That's all I got. I don't want to get in your way sweetheart or cause you trouble. If you could just take me to the nearest place where there's people."


"That's kind of a problem. I was just passing through this area when I felt like an explosion or something, that's why I was here to dig you out. I wanted to know what happened and if anyone was hurt but since I entered this town a while back I haven't seen anyone. Everything has been closed and the buildings abandoned. It's creepy."


Dean hummed. "Yea that doesn't sound good. Whatever brought me back must not have wanted witnesses around but they didn't plan on anyone just driving by. That explains you. Well do you have a phone I could borrow?"


"Yea it's in my truck. Come on."


Dean still felt weak so he continued to lean on her on the way back to her vehicle. He didn't know what was happening and he just hoped that he hadn't accidentally brought this girl into his mess. Dean didn't believe in angels but even he was surprised by his own thoughts when he crawled out of the dirt and first laid his eyes on her. She damn near made him believe in all that crap. The way the sun beamed down on her auburn hair and reflected off of it made it look like she had a halo. She was beautiful, could easily pass as an angel. He could almost imagine her dressed in all white. Those warm chocolate eyes, long wavy hair down to her hips. Dean thought maybe just maybe she was a gift from the very heavens. He tried not to drool or make a pass at her. She had helped him and was obviously scared but it didn't stop her from trying to save him when she thought he was in trouble.


They walked through trees for about ten minutes before he saw a large old red pick-up truck.












"Nice truck, it's a classic." It needed paint for sure but it was nice. Well taken care of,


Bella forgetting about everything going on at the moment looked up to him and smiled. "Thanks, normally people talk smack about my old girl. I always have to tell them not to dis the truck."


Dean laughed. "If you love it that's all that matters. I love the classics personally."


"Me to." She said as she opened the driver’s side door to reach in and grab her cellphone.


Dean limped to the side of the truck and leaned back against it taking some deep breaths. He felt a tap on his arm and looked to the side to see Bella holding out her phone for him.


"Thanks Bella."


"Why don't you get in and make your calls while I drive us to somewhere less creepy." Bella looked around, not only did this place make her uncomfortable but she hated being in the same spot for too long in case Victoria was right behind her, she felt too exposed.


Dean noticed the way she looked around like she was waiting for something or someone to jump out and grab her. He nodded his head and limped over to the passenger side and climbed in. Bella quickly hopped in as well and started up the truck taking off down the road.


"We still doing that full disclosure thing sweetheart?"


"Yea I would prefer it."


"Than what are you running from?"


"Wwwhat?" She stuttered.


"I saw the way you looked around. Like you were scared and waiting for someone to grab you. I KNOW that look. Who ya running from?"


"You wouldn't believe me. Nobody does."


"Sweetheart I just crawled my way out of my own grave after being dead for four months according to the date on your phone. If anyone is going to believe you it will be me. So hit me."


He made a good point. His life was obviously as crazy and messed up as her own.


"Vampire is hunting me. She killed everyone I know already."


"The sparkling kind of vamp or the one with all the teeth like a shark?"


Bella kept whipping her head from looking at the road to Dean. He believed her? He knew about vampires? Was that how he died? Wait there's more than one kind?


"You know about them? Is that how you died?"


"No, I sold my soul to a demon to save my brother. Hell hounds killed me and yea I know about more things than you could imagine. I was a hunter, the supernatural kind. I killed all the things that go bump in the night."


"Demons.... hell hounds... vampires..." she mumbled. "What else is there?" Bella asked. Genuinely curious and glad to know he didn't think she was nuts. She may have accidentally stumbled across the one person in the world she could confide in.


"Ghosts, shifters, werewolves, wendigos, genies you name it sweetheart."


"And you hunted and killed them?"


"Yep. Family business."


"Wow. You're like.... badass." Awe coating her voice.


Dean laughed. "Thanks sweetheart. Most people think I'm crazy to so I know how you feel. Now you never answered. Sparkling or shark teeth?"




"Damn. I can kill it for you but I need my.... tools."


Bella snorted. "Dean you just woke from the dead I'm not going to be the reason you go straight back in."


"I've killed them before so don't worry about me and consider this my thank you for helping me out. You have a better chance of surviving if you let me help you. Family business remember. Besides I can’t leave you on your own now that I know."


Bella pursed her lips. She didn't want him to get hurt but he obviously knew more than she did.


"Fine but only if you let me help you to."


"Me?" Dean asked.


"You said yourself that whatever woke you probably wasn't good. You help me and I help you." She smirked and tossed him a glance. "Besides I can’t leave you on your own now that I know."


Dean flashed his best panty melting smirk and saw as she blushed. Oh yea, he could see the mayhem they would cause together. She may not have been a literal Angel but she was going to be his angel. With a little demon mixed in.


"Deal angel."




"Eh just go with it." He said while opening her phone to make his calls. Surely Bobby or Sam would know what was going on.





Dean tossed the phone in the seat. “Son of a Bitch.”


“What’s wrong?”


“My brother Sam, his phone isn’t working and Bobby doesn’t believe it’s really me on the phone.”


“Well can’t really blame him…..”


“Yea I know… Looks like we are going to have to prove it to him. In person.”


“Well than where to now?”


“Sioux Falls, South Dakota.”


“All right. That’s a 9-hour drive. Why don’t you rest up, you can barely walk as it is. I got some snacks and stuff in that backpack by your feet. Help yourself.”


“Thanks Angel, I’ll do that. Who knew being raised from the dead was so exhausting huh?” They both chuckled. “Wake me up when we get close and I’ll show you how to get to this house.”


“You go it D.”




“What? You can call me Angel but I can’t call you D?”


He chuckled. “As long as you remember its BIG D sweetheart.”


Dean laughed at her expression. Her mouth slightly hung open.


“You Dick!”


“Yea that’s what I was talking about!”


At that they were both laughing, Bella had a few tears slip down her face she laughed so hard for the first time since she lost everything. She reached over with one hand and slapped him in his arm.


Dean hissed in pain.


“Oh my God! I’m so sorry Dean. Are you okay? I didn’t know you were hurting to.”


“I’m not, it was just whatever spot you hit burns.” He said as he rolled up his sleeve. “What the fuck?!” He shouted.


Bella glanced over to him to see what looked like a large hand print burned onto his upper arm.












“What’s that from?!”


“I’m guessing whoever pulled me out from being dead. Guess we have our first clue Thelma.”


Bella snorted. “Guess so Shaggy. Sorry for hitting you there though.”


“No problem at least now we know it’s there and it doesn’t hurt anymore. Bobby will have something to work with now though so our chances of figuring out what happened have improved. I hope.”


“We’ll figure it out D. I promise.”


Dean looked up at her, Bella’s eyes were on the road. He took in her light freckles across he nose. Plump dark pink lips. Narrow nose. It made him smile, the girl was a beauty and when ever she spoke he could hear the sincerity in her voice. Bella was truly determined to help him. He wasn’t one to open up to strangers, hell he barely opened up to his own brother but there was just something about her. It gave him faith.


“I know Angel and I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”


He watched her face blush but she smiled. It only made her more beautiful.


“Get some sleep.”


“Night Bella.”


“Night Dean.”


                          NINE HOURS LATER


“Here we are.”


“A salvage yard?”


“I know it seems odd but that’s kinda the point. You wouldn’t expect it.”


“Makes sense.” Bella said as she climbed out of her truck. Dean hopped out to and walked next to her. As they approached the house’s front door her leaned down to whisper to her.


“Stay behind me okay. He’s going to take this hard and he might not think I am who I am which means he might be volatile first until we can prove it okay? So stay back, I don’t want you to get hurt.”


“Okay. I trust you.”


Her little confession made him smirk. He wanted her to trust him and to feel safe around him. Dean had promised to keep her safe after all.


Dean walked up to the door and knocked. He looked back to Bella who was standing behind him like he asked and sent her a wink. He heard the door creak and turned to see Bobby standing there. The older man’s eyes wide and body rigid. Bobby took a couple steps back in shock.


Dean took a step into the house. “Surprise.”


“I… I don’t… understand.”


“Yea. Me either Bobby but here I am.”


All of a sudden Bobby sprung forward with a silver knife in his hand. Bella gasped and jumped back right outside the door and watched the two men struggle against each other. Dean dodged the hit and quickly grabbed a chair placing it between them to hold the older man back.


“It’s me Bobby!”


“My ass it is!”


“Woah woah wait! Your name is Robert Steven Singer you became a hunter after your wife got possessed. You’re about the closest thing I have to a father!” Dean began spouting out everything he could think of to prove it was him. Things that only he would be able to know about the man who practically raised him.


Dean stood up straighter as Bobby approached slowly, when he was close enough he placed his hand on top of Dean’s shoulder. Almost like he was testing to see if the young man was a mirage. Still unable to believe in what he was seeing, Bobby lunged again only this time Dean was able to snatch the knife away from him.




“If I was either could I do this with a silver knife!”


Dean took a deep breath and groaned, he hated having to do this but knew it was the only way to prove he was telling the truth. He used the silver knife in his hand and cut himself on the arm deep enough to draw blood. There was no burning or anything, proving he was human.


“Dean?” Bobby practically whispered. The hope and pain both heard in his voice. He practically stumbled on his way to get closer to Dean.


“That’s what I’ve been telling you.”


They both stared at each other a moment before wrapping their arms around the other. Both too manly and stubborn to let the tears gathering in their eyes fall. When they pulled away Bobby continued to stare.









“It’s good to see you boy.”


“Yea you to Bobby.”


“How did you bust out though?”


“I don’t know. I just woke up in a pine box and tried to claw my way out. Thought I was going to suffocate but Bella..” Dean looked over to her, she was still standing right outside the door. He waved her inside to let her know it was okay now. She nodded her head and entered the house closing the door behind her. She walked over and stood next to Dean still just slightly behind them though. He could tell she was nervous still. “Bella here happened to be next to my grave and heard me. She helped dig me out.”


“Is she human? Have you tested her? Maybe she brought you back.” Bobby eyed her suspiciously.


“She didn’t bring me back. She just was at the right place at the right time.”


“I don’t believe in luck boy. We need to test her.”


“I’m not letting her get hurt Bobby. I trust her plus she’s kind of a case. I promised to protect her.”


“You just raise from the Damn dead and you got a case already?” Dean nodded his head. “Well I’m not trusting no stranger until we test her.”


“Bobby..” Dean groaned; he went to complain but Bella spoke up.


“I don’t mind. What test do I need to do? The knife-like D did?”


“D?” Bobby quirked an eyebrow at.


“She means big D ain’t that right Angel?” Dean winked at her.


Bella snorted with a blush spreading across her face. “Sure D whatever you say.” She rolled her eyes playfully at him.


Bobby couldn’t believe what he was seeing at first. The way Dean looked at the girl was much like the way he used to look at his wife. There was something there he had never seen in the boy before.


“Alright Big D.” Bobby said sarcastically causing the girl to giggle. “I’m still testing her, sorry hun.” He said looking at her. He just had to make sure she was trust worthy first. Bobby had just got Dean back; he wouldn’t risk losing him again.


“I understand. You both are like family. You’re just looking out for him. I don’t mind.” She said softly but with a gentle smile.


Dean sighed but handed her the knife. “Sorry Angel.”


Bella took the knife and copied what Dean did. She barely flinched though; it was nothing compared to what she had been through already. When she was done she handed the knife over to Bobby.


He smiled at her. “Just one more thing he said.” Bobby put the knife down and grabbed a bottle of water. He splashed the water across both of them just to make sure.


“Damn it Bobby we ain’t demons either.” Dean grumbled while spitting out the water that had gotten in his mouth.









“Can never be to careful.” Bobby shrugged.


“Holy water than? What does that do to demons?” Bella asked.


“It burns them, they start to sizzle and smoke.” Dean said while wiping the water off his face.


“How much does she know about all this?”


“Nothing much really.”


“This could be dangerous bringing in a newbie to all of this Dean.”


“Than I’ll just teach her as we go plus she’s already in danger so she’s safest with me anyways.”


“Right she’s a case… What kind of case? And why is she sticking around long enough for you to teach her these things.” Bobby asked while waving at them to follow him. They all walked into the kitchen and sat down. “Have a seat. Fill me in.”


“I don’t know much about it yet but she has a Vamp after her. The sparkle ones. And when she helped dig me out of my grave we kind of made a deal. I help her with her problem and in return she wants to help me with mine.”




“Figuring out how I was brought back. And what did it.” Dean said while rolling up his sleeve and showing Bobby the hand print.


“How the hell did you get that?”


“I don’t know, I’m guessing whatever brought me back left it and I doubt it was anything that resurrected me out of the goodness of its heart.” Dean grumbled while taking a sip of his beer that Bobby gave him.


The older man gave Bella a glass of water and sat down at the table with them.


“Well hun care to tell me how you came across Dean and why this vamp is after you? The more we know the better we can deal with both problems. Also….” Bobby rubbed the back of his neck; he was never one to be sentimental. “Thank you, for digging Dean out and bringing him here.”


Bella smiled at him. She liked Bobby. It was obvious how much he cared for Dean. “It was no problem. Like I told Dean, I was just driving through town when I heard this boom like an explosion and then this shockwave swept right by my truck. I went looking where I thought it came from in case anyone was hurt and I found his grave. All the trees around it were fallen like a bomb went off or something. While I was looking at everything I heard Dean shouting from under my feet and I just started to dig.”


Dean cut in, “The entire town there was abandoned to. Like whatever or whoever it was that brought me back didn’t want any witnesses.”


Bobby stroked his chin thinking. “Makes sense and since she was just passing through it didn’t expect that. Alright than, its something to go off of at least. Now this vamp what do they look like and why are they after you?”


“I’m curious as well Angel.” Dean reached over and brushed some of her hair behind her ear. Bella looked at him and he could see she wanted to cry. “I know it’s painful sweetheart. You said she killed everyone already. Who is everyone? I’m sorry to make you go through this but we gotta know what we are up against. It’s why I waited til we got here to find out. I didn’t want you to tell me than have to repeat it to Bobby.”


Bella sniffled. “Thanks D.” Bobby handed her a napkin and she used it to wipe the tears away. “Her name is Victoria. She has curly red hair. She…. She killed my mom and step dad. My father to. I came home to find his body all over the house…” Bella sobbed.


“Jesus.” Bobby whispered feeling sick.


Dean pulled her over into his lap and just held her. “Sshhh it’s okay. You’re safe with us. I’m sorry you had to see that.”


Bella laughed darkly. “That was awful but not as bad as the massacre she left for me outside my best friend’s house.”


“Massacre?” Dean asked. He didn’t like the sound of that.


“I had friends… They were protecting me from her.”


“Hunter’s?” Bobby asked.


“No I didn’t know about hunters until I met Dean.”


“Than how were they going to protect you?”


“They were spirit warriors. Shape shifters. They turned into these giant wolves that could kill her.”


“I’ve heard of those. Their rare but strong. What happened then?” Bobby asked.


“Victoria I think has this gift of evasion. They could never capture her. I went to see the pack one day to see if there were any updates but…” Bella grasped her chest, tears streaming down her face. Dean rubbed her back and rocked her gently. “All of them… All of them were dead and stacked in a pile. Even their families… Their parent’s. Wives. Everyone.”


“Mother fucker.” Dean growled. Squeezing her closer to his chest. He held her so tightly it was like he was trying to keep all the pieces of her broken heart together.


“I’m so sorry hun. Nobody deserves that.”


“I do… I’m the reason her mate is dead. In fact I don’t even completely blame her.”


“How are you the reason her mate is dead and who is to blame than?” Bobby asked. Who fucked up this girls’ life so badly that she felt like she deserved this? Well that thought pissed off Bobby and he could tell just by looking over at Dean that he was pissed off to. The boy was grinding his teeth together.


“I…. I dated one..”


“One?” Dean asked


“A vampire.”


Both men looked at each other in shock than at her like she was crazy.


“Now why the hell would you do that Angel? I know you’re smarter than that.”


Bella gave him a weak smile. “Honestly I think it was just infatuation. I had thought I loved him but now I know I was wrong.”


“Alright hun give us the whole story.” Bobby said while reaching across the table and patting her hand softly for comfort.




“Basically I met Edward..”


Dean cut her off. “Edward? That was his name? Already he sounds lame.” He snorted.


Bella giggled. “He was and suffocating. I met him at school.”


“He went to school?” Bobby asked with surprise.


“They tried to blend in as much as possible.”


“Makes sense..” The older man grumbled.


“Yea well I met him at school, at first he avoided me like the plague than one day he just began talking to me. Everything about him made me curious. I knew he was different but didn’t know why and it bothered me. The more I spoke to him the more things I learned. What really caught my attention was when he saved my life. I was out in the school parking lot when a guy lost control of his van. There was ice on the ground. He would of crashed right into me but Edward appeared out of no where and stopped the car with his bare hands than disappeared right after. I had to know what he was.”


“Can’t blame you there Angel. Than what?”


“Well I did research and found out what him and his family was. I didn’t care though; they had been nothing but nice to me.”


“So how does this Victoria come in” Bobby asked.


“Well I was hanging out with his family one day, watching them play baseball when these three nomads came. Victoria, James and Laurent. James was her mate and a tracker. He liked the way I smelt. Long story short he wanted to eat me. The Cullen’s Edwards family tried to lure James away hide me but he figured it out. Told me he had my mother and would kill her if I didn’t come to him. I managed to slip away and went to where he was. He didn’t have my mother though. He beat me badly and bit me.”


“BIT YOU?!” Bobby screamed jumping up from his chair.


Shock was written all over Dean’s face. “How… How are you not one of them?” He asked.


“The Cullen’s had shown up right then. Carlisle the coven leader said the venom could be sucked out if they did it quickly. So Edward did.”


“You got to be shitten me…” Dean said.


Bella rolled up her sleeve and showed them both the bite mark. Dean ran his fingers across it while Bobby just stared in disbelief.


“And James?” Dean asked.


“Edwards brother Jasper killed him. Jasper even said they should go after Victoria as well to keep me safe but Carlisle was against violence and refused. Edward could read minds and said that Victoria wouldn’t be a problem. That was enough proof to Carlisle and him being the coven leader, Jasper had to do what he was told.”


“Well I can tell you right now that I hate Carlisle and Ed-douche.”


“Yea those two and Alice are the ones I blame for everything. She can see the future based off choices. She would have seen what happened to my parents.”


“Well you were dating Edward right? What happened?”


“There was an accident on my birthday, I cut my finger causing Jasper to lunge at me. He’s an empath though so he felt everyone’s hunger at once and I don’t blame him or am I scared of him because if Jasper truly meant me harm he could have gotten to me no matter who was holding him back. He was the strongest of them all, he used to be a soldier yet he was still in enough control to be held back. In fact after a couple minutes he took off and I never saw him again. I could see the guilt in his eyes. He’s the one I miss most and the only one left I trust.”


“I gotta admit Angel, I personally don’t like any monsters. I kill them all but this Jasper sounds smart so if you trust him I will but if I ever meet this Carlisle, Edward or Alice I’ll fucking kill them.”


“I used to think of them like family but now I couldn’t care less what happens to them, just give Jasper a chance.”


“Well we can do that hun but what happened to them? The Cullen’s I mean. They obviously aren’t here now to help with this Victoria.” Bobby said.


“The day after my birthday Edward showed up at my house and said we needed to talk. My house was along the forest. We went for a walk in the trees, when we finally stopped Edward told me that his family was leaving town and he broke up with me. Telling me I was just a silly human and worthless. That he didn’t want me anymore, he was tired of pretending to be human and bored of my company. That I was too plain and he wanted more and he never loved me. Than he disappeared…. I got lost in the woods and in the rain. I was there for hours until one of the shifters found me and took me home. It was only a couple months later that everything with Victoria happened. After everyone died because of her I didn’t want to give that evil bitch the satisfaction of killing me to. She took everything from me because of Edward and his family’s actions. I’m not going to let her get what she wants. I want to live to spite her. I want to live for my family and friends. Its what they would want and what they died trying to achieve. I won’t let it be in vain.”


“Damn right sweetheart!” Dean said picking her up as he stood and spun her around making her laugh. “That’s the right attitude and that’s exactly what’s going to happen.”


“So what’s the plan than? What do we handle first?” Bobby asked.


“Well if you don’t mind my opinion….” Bella said softly once Dean placed her back down on her feet.


“Of course not. Go on Angel.”


“I think we should focus on Dean’s problem for now. Victoria won’t stop chasing me until I’m dead. Just let her come to us.”


“That actually sounds like a good idea.” Bobby thought the girl’s idea was smart. “All we gotta do is make sure she’s never alone and we keep our guard up which as hunters we do anyways. This Victoria will either try and take her when she’s alone or get tired of waiting around and just attack us all which will be the death of her.”


“Alright than, so for now I guess we get ahold of Sam. Maybe he knows or did something to bring me back.”


“You think he would?” Bobby asked,


“It’s what I would have done. So where is he Bobby?”


“I don’t know.”


“What do you mean you don’t know?”


“I haven’t heard from him in months. He never calls. Its been….. rough since you’ve been gone.”


“I understand. Guess we will just have to track him.”


“How we gonna do that boy? I’ve tried.”


“He can’t hide from me. I know everything about my brother. Let me see your computer.”


Bobby grabbed his laptop and placed it on the table. Him and Bella standing right behind Dean watching him type away. Dean pulled up a cellphone tracking site and typed in all the phone numbers his brother used and some of the alias names he used as well until there was a hit.


“Well look at that… Coincidence I think not.” Dean whispered to himself.


“That’s right outside Pontiac where I dug you up.” Bella said.


“Let’s get moving before he leaves. Sammy won’t stay in one place for long.”


Bobby walked over to his weapons cabinet and pulled out a couple silver machetes and guns. “I’ll follow behind you two but take these with you in case Victoria or anyone else shows up.”


“Will this work on her?” Bella asked skeptically.


Dean grabbed a gun and placed it under Bella’s shirt than he slid the Machete down into her knee-high boots. It was a perfect fit and well hidden. “The gun won’t do much but the machete will. Its reinforced and strong, if you swing it hard enough it’ll cut off her limb just remember to aim for the neck if you get an opening and try to take her by surprise. Those sparkle fucks are usually overly confident and that’s their weakness. She won’t expect you to be able to do any actual harm and don’t forget the most important thing Angel.” Dean said while grabbing her face with one hand and making her look up at him. The moment they locked eyes his face grew serious. He wanted to make sure she understood. “I have your back. I’m not going to let her hurt you.”


Bella smiled brightly up at him. “I know…” Her smile turning into a mischievous little smirk. “Big D.” She said while tucking Dean’s gun into his pants and handing him his machete. “Let’s go men.” She said than turned and strutted out the door.


“Damn.” Dean smirked. Then followed after her.


Bobby smiled while shaking his head. He had a feeling the boy had found his match but he wouldn’t say anything. Dean was used to just having fun, nothing serious. He would just sit back and let this play out until Dean was so far gone that he could never leave the girl. Normally Bobby would say that hunters shouldn’t stay alone and single. He knew that first hand after what happened to his wife but Dean had been through Hell in back. Literally. That boy deserved some happiness more than anyone else he knew and he was determined to make sure it happened. He would help keep the girl safe and teach her this way of life since she was obviously going to be sticking around. Bobby wanted to continue to see that look on Dean’s face. No matter what.




 Time flew as they made it to where Sam was. It didn’t take long for Dean to figure out what hotel he was in and his room number. All the three of them stopped in front of a door that had 207 on it. Dean knocked; Bella could see the nervousness in the way he fidgeted slightly. She hoped this meeting went better than the one with Bobby but she somehow doubted it.


A woman with long black hair answered, “So where is it?”


All three of them were confused. They thought Sam would be here and what was the woman talking about.

Dean cleared his throat, “Where’s what?”


“The pizza. That apparently takes two men and a woman to deliver.”


“Uh sorry, I think we got the wrong room.”


Before the three of them could turn away though they saw a tall man walk behind the woman, “Hey is…” He stopped mid-sentence and just stared at Dean. Everything was completely silent for that moment as Dean and Sam took in each other.











“Hey ya Sammy…” Dean said nervously as he entered the room with Bobby right behind him. They only managed to take a couple steps before Sam lunged at his brother with a knife in hand. Bobby quickly grabbed Sam’s arm and pulled it back, safely away from his brother while Dean stood still. Bella ran to Dean’s side and checked to make sure he hadn’t been stabbed. Thankfully there was no blood anywhere. Dean slowly placed her right behind him just incase Sam tried something again.


“It’s him! It’s him Sam. It’s REALLY him. I already checked and did all the tests. It’s really Dean.” Bobby yelled in Sam’s ear while he held him back. Slowly Sam relaxed and dropped his knife.


Even from where Bella stood she could see water gathering in his eyes. Bobby let go him finally and Sam took a couple tentative steps towards his older brother.


Dean met him part way and smiled softly at his brother, “I know Sammy. I look fantastic huh.” His joking finally relaxing his brother completely as Sam took the last couple steps and embraced his brother tightly. Both brothers holding on to each other for dear life almost afraid to let go in case the other disappeared. Bella was so happy for Dean to be reunited with his family.


When they finally broke apart the dark-haired woman spoke up, “Um are you two like ‘together’?”


Bella snorted and glanced at her, “Their brothers. Just haven’t seen each other in a while.”


“Oh! Well than I’m just going to go…” She said awkwardly. “Um call me I guess Sam.”


Sam nodded at her as she left than his attention went to Bella. “Who is she?”


Dean waved her over to stand next to him. “This is Bella, she’s a friend and a case.”


Bella smiled softly at him when he called her a friend. It made her happy since she was in such short supply of those lately.


“A case?” Sam was confused. How long had his brother been back.


“Take a seat Sammy. We will get to that but first thing is we need to talk.”


Sam did as his brother requested and sat on the edge of his bed. Dean pulled out a chair from the corner of the room and placed it next to where he was standing facing his brother but instead of him sitting he led Bella to sit down. She was flattered at his action and took a seat with him standing next to her his hand resting on the back of the chair.


Dean’s expression grew serious, “What did it cost Sam? To bring me back. What did you do?”


“You think I made a deal?” Sam replied.


“It’s exactly what we think.” Bobby said


“Well I didn’t.” Sam said sadly. “I tried; I won’t lie. I did everything I could think of to get you back. I tried to open the devil gate, I tried to bargain to but no demon would deal. I’m sorry Dean…”


Dean placed his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “It’s okay Sammy. I believe you.”


All three men looked solemn and confused. Bella spoke up to get their attention. “If he didn’t bring you back than who did?”


“I don’t know….” Dean said while pacing the room. “If you didn’t bring me back than why are you here?” He asked looking at his brother.


“I was following some demons. They came here yesterday morning.”


“That’s when I dug you out D.”


“Yea Angel, seems odd to be a coincidence. Might need to look into that but first we will have to get you a tattoo.”


“A tattoo?” Bella asked.


“Anti-possession. It’ll make it impossible for a demon to possess you and you’re going to need it if you’re going to stick with me.”


Dean pulled down his shirt slightly to reveal his tattoo. “Sam has one to.”














“Okay than. If we are assuming a demon brought you back than we should probably get that done first especially with some in town.”


“She’s right, Dean why don’t you take her to get that done. Sam and I will see if we can find where these demons are hiding out and while we do that I know a psychic not far from here. Maybe she’s heard something. I’ll give her a call and see if she will make time for us.” Bobby said dishing out orders.


“Sounds good to me. Come on Angel.” Dean grabbed her hand and pulled her up out of the chair.


“Wait Dean.” Sam walked up to his brother. He grabbed his necklace and pulled it off handing it to Dean. “You’ll want this back.”


Dean grabbed and held it in his hand. It was his necklace, the one he had always worn before he died. His brother had held on to it for him. He quickly put on himself. “Thanks Sammy.” The brothers smiled at each other before Dean lead Bella outside and they got in her truck. This time he drove.


He looked over to Bella who was staring out the window. “You okay?” He asked. She had been pretty quiet.


“Yea I’m fine. I’m just really happy for you getting your brother back.” She smiled at him but still he heard the sadness in her voice.


Dean could only imagine how she felt watching him be reunited with his family after she had lost all of hers.


“Thanks Angel.” He decided to distract her a little to keep her mind from wandering any where that would make her sad. “So you nervous about this tattoo?”


“Not really, actually I’m kind of excited. I’ve always wanted one.”


He chuckled. “Good, tattoos are sexy.” He winked at her and watched as she began biting at her lip. She was just too sexy and she didn’t even realize it. It only added to her appeal he thought. “And don’t worry, I’ll pay so get it however you want.”


“I have plenty of money D. I inherited quite a bit when my father passed.”


“I’m sure you did Angel but save that for other things, you’re stuck with us now and I’m sure you will need it along the way but this tattoo is something you need because of me so let me cover it.”


“I’ve never really liked people spending money on me. I hate feeling like I owe someone. I want to feel like I’m contributing or I’ll feel like a burden.”


Dean nodded his head, he understood that. “I get it. We can make trades throughout this okay. You help me when it comes to me taking care of your problem and I’ll help you when it comes to taking care of mine. For now this is a MY problem so I’ll cover the costs. When it comes to icky Vicky you can help.”


Bella giggled at his comment. “Alright Deal just please let me know when there is something I can do to help. I don’t want to get in the way but I don’t want to feel useless either.”


“Promise. We will even train you fight some so you can help watch our backs like I’m going to watch yours. You are a part of this team now Bella. We are family. Welcome to the Winchesters Angel.” He winked at her than focused on the road.


Bella couldn’t stop smiling. She felt like crying to, ever since she met Dean even though it had only been a couple days. Because of him she never felt alone anymore and he always made sure that she felt included. She was never left out. Bella still didn’t understand a lot about what was going on but she trusted him to teach her.


Her smile stayed on her face all the way to the tattoo parlor. They both hopped out of the truck and went inside the little shop.

Dean walked up to the man behind the counter and flashed his tattoo, “She needs this symbol but whatever design, color or wherever she wants. You got time for her now?”


“Yea man, we don’t have any more appointments today so I can do it personally.” The tattoo artist said nodding his head. “Come on little lady let’s get started.”


Bella followed him into a room and sat on the table. Dean stayed in the waiting room looking through all their tattoo designs but she could still see and hear him from the room. The artist began getting his needle and ink ready. “Know where you want it? Any colors or anything?”


Bella lifted her hair up and turned her back to him. “Can you put it on the back of my neck? All black but add wings to it?”


“Sure thing. Shouldn’t take to long since there’s no color and it’ll be a little smaller to fit there.”


The man grabbed a clip and pinned her hair for her than got to work. It still took little over an hour but he finished and Bella looked at it with the hand mirror he handed her. She loved it and told him so. The man smiled at her clearly pleased that his work was appreciated it. He covered it up with some plastic and gave her some ointment explaining how to take care of her tattoo until it was healed. She thanked him and walked out to show Dean.


He heard her steps and turned to see her smiling. “Well you all done?”


“Yep!” She said cheerfully causing him to chuckle.


“Don’t tease me, show me.”


She giggle and turned around pulling up her hair so he could see. The man did a great job and the wings were beautiful. Dean whistled. “Now that is sexy. My Angel has angel wings now. Very nice.”


Bella blushed. “Thanks D.”


“Anytime sweetheart.” Dean said while paying the artist. “Let’s go back to the room and wait on the others.”

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