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Bella was pissed. After everything she had done for them! She couldn’t believe Edward left again. AGAIN! He said she was human and weak, easily breakable. She wasn’t weak, HE was. She wasn’t the one that flew to Italy to beg for death like some little bitch. No matter how hard things got or bleak things seemed she would NEVER commit suicide. That was the coward’s way out. She had raised her mother practically, taken care of her father until she lost him. The one person in this world she adored, but she would never harm herself, it would disgrace his memory. Her father was a great man and a great cop, he protected people from threats. Threats from strangers and others, even threats from themselves. So no she would not dishonor his memory and become a victim. All the Cullen’s had left her but came back after she saved their precious “golden child” from his suicide. They didn’t stay long though because Aro had demanded that she be changed, which of course Edward didn’t want but was forced to agree to. Then there was still Victoria out after her. So Edward left again and took his family with him, complaining how little “human” Bella was too much trouble. That the danger she attracted would cause harm to his family and she was too weak. Not even worth the effort. Not worth loving, not worth changing. Then poof they were all gone again in their super speed. Well…. FUCK THAT and FUCK YOU EDWARD CULLEN! The only one left she didn’t hate was Jasper. He had ran off after trying to attack me on my birthday, I could see the guilt in his eyes. I wanted to tell him it wasn’t his fault but he ran. He never came back and I know the Cullen’s probably tossed him aside like trash just as they did her. He deserved better, he once told Bella she was worth it. Well so was he. He would always be her brother. The one that willingly killed another of his own species in order to protect her. She had always felt safe with him and she noticed how all the Cullen’s even Alice would watch him like he was some troublesome child. A burden, a blimp on the perfect family persona. If Bella ever saw him again, she wouldn’t hesitate to walk right up to him, wrap her arms around him and tell him “You are worth it to big brother.”


Bella wanted revenge. Not just for her but for Jasper and for her father who had been killed by Victoria. She also wanted revenge on the Pack. After Charlie died, they all blamed her because it was a vampire and she was just some “fang lover.” She had even warned the pack about Victoria but they didn’t care, said she was on her own for getting involved with the Cullen’s. They didn’t expect Charlie to be collateral damage and of course blamed her. Jake had even slapped her when she told them that it was their fault. The packs fault because she had warned them of the threat and it was supposed to be their job to kill vampires. But noooooo, of course they didn’t want to take the blame. It was Bella’s fault for being close to vampires. It was Bella’s fault for being weak. Bella’s fault. Bella’s fault.


These words shouted in her brain. She heard them in Jake’s voice, Edward’s voice, Sam’s voice, Alice’s voice and it kept going and going until it pissed her off some more! She wanted revenge, she wanted them to suffer. She wanted blood.


So she dug. Through old books and myths. Surely if there were vampire’s and shapeshifters in the world there was something else. Something even more powerful. She was determined to find it and quickly. Before Victoria got tired of playing with her, before the Volturi came for her. Something that would help her get payback. Payback for her, for Jasper and for Charlie.


There was just sooooo much anger. It built and coiled in her stomach. Innocent and naïve Bella was gone. A woman with a vengeance and a powerful wrath was born.


So she looked and read and did research. She studied until she passed out from exhaustion each day. Bella left after Charlie died, sold the house and took the money than started driving. Never stopping unless it was for rest, food or research. Eventually though she found a book in some crappy library in some Podunk town that actually made Forks look like a city. Seriously the houses were miles apart. How did a library even survive here?


But there it was, a book. It looked so old and was covered in dust. Bound in leather as black as night and hidden at the very back behind some other books. It spoke about demons. Real actual demons. One in particular caught her eye’s though. The top of the page read ‘cross roads demon’ and even stated there was a ‘king of the crossroads.’ It stated you had to find a crossroad and bury a box with some personal effects and a picture in it. Then you would wait and someone would come to make a deal with you. They could grant you anything you wanted. The price was that you would only live for 10 years after than they would come to collect your soul. That fine print might have scared most people but not Bella. Hell she thought it was a pretty good damn deal. No pun intended. After all 10 years was way more than she was expecting after all. Eventually Victoria or the Volturi would catch up to her and she would die.


In a lot less than ten years at that.


Bella didn’t hesitate to grab the book and leave. She went back to her hotel and looked at a map to find the closest crossroad. Then she began to gather some personal effects and a picture and put them in a small box. All she had though was a box of skittles. She chuckled while pouring out the candy. Hopefully they aren’t too picky. She closed the box and ate dinner. She decided to shower and change while she waited for it to get dark. Night time just made more sense somehow.


When it was finally pitch-black outside, she grabbed the box and started walking out of the hotel room. Luckily enough there was a crossroad really close to the hotel so she just decided to go on foot. The entire way there she was hoping this wasn’t some hoax or load of shit. She was running out of time and out of ideas.


It only took about fifteen minutes to reach her destination. She kneeled down in the middle of the crossroad and began to dig a shallow hole with her hands. After she deemed it deep enough, she placed the box inside and covered it up. Patting down the dirt to make it snug.


Bella stood up slapping her hands together to get rid of the dirt while mumbling to herself, “Hope this works.”


“Oh it did, but you are not my usual client.”


Spoke a deep baritone voice behind Bella startling her.


“Holy shit!” She shouted while jumping than spun around to face the person who spoke.


The man chuckled, “Not holy I’m afraid. But you are amusing.”




















Bella took in the man before her. He was right under six-foot-tall, broad shoulders. Dark hair, blue eyes with a scruffy face she found very sexy. He was wearing in all black very nice suit that was tight against his chest and only made him even more appealing.

Bella cleared her throat while blushing, “Uh right sorry. You startled me. I’m Bella. Um are you one of the crossroad demons?”




                                                                                                                     CROWLEY POV


Crowley took in the young maiden before him. He was very intrigued. Usually it was men coming to the crossroads asking for fame and fortune. Or if it was a woman, asking for beauty.


This woman was different. She didn’t need to ask for beauty for she was already breathtaking. Long thick brown hair with streaks of red. Brown eye’s that had tinted the color of warm honey when the street light shined in them. Short and petite. Red lips. She was wearing tight blue jeans that clung to her figure. Black combat type boots. Black leather jacket and a blood red tank that was low enough he could see the swell of her breasts. Hmmmm, a C cup. Perfect handful. Just the way he liked it, but he pushed these thoughts aside. He was here on business. He looked within her soul to determine if he could tell what she wanted. But this only further intrigued him. He almost couldn’t do it. Something was pushing him out. He got close for only a second but the quick look he saw only had him further confused. This girl’s soul was light and pure. She had obviously never done anything bad in her life. It was the purest soul he had seen in a long time. What could this girl personally want from a demon?


He tilted his head slightly bowing, “Lovely to meet you beautiful Bella. I am Crowley and to answer your question, no I’m not exactly a crossroad demon. I am…”


“The king of the crossroads?” She asked while once again blushing, no fear in her voice. Only curiosity.


Crowley had to smirk this girl was either fearless or naïve. He had a feeling it was the first.


“Yes, you’ve done your research. What is it that you wish?”


“Um I have to admit that I wasn’t expecting to get the boss man downstairs.” She mumbled to herself but quickly threw her hand over her mouth as her entire face burned red.


Crowley threw his head back laughing. “DOWNSTAIRS!” “Ha! You truly are amusing beautiful Bella. I haven’t laughed that loud in centuries. Oh I think I like you. I may even make you a special deal. What is it you want?” He asked still chuckling.


The young girl beamed, he didn’t know if it was the praise or that she had made him laugh but that smile only made her more radiant before his very eyes.


“Um well you see… What I want is actually complicated… and um probably a lot to ask for... so if you can’t or won’t do it, I understand. I’ll just keep looking.” She rambled on.


“Hmmm...” He hummed. “I honestly can’t imagine what a young beautiful and healthy girl like your self would want, especially that would require so much work. I also don’t sense any greed in you. You’re not looking for fame or fortune I know. So what is it? I can’t tell you if its plausible unless you tell me what it is you desire.”


He watched as her hands became fists at her side and she shook slightly. “Revenge”


She said it with such hatred and fire in her eyes it momentarily shocked the King of the crossroads. He certainly didn’t expect that coming from such an innocent little thing. Her soul was so pure that if she died now, she would certainly go to heaven. He did not like that idea.


“Revenge on who and for what? And how do you want this revenge?” He spouted out several questions. His curiosity spiked at her request.


“I’m not really sure how honestly. It’s not something I can do myself but I want to see them all suffer with my own eyes. I want them to scream. I want them to die. I want them ALL TO DIE!” She yelled the last word even though her voice trembled.


Fuck. She doesn’t just want revenge; this girl wants a blood bath. He certainly wasn’t expecting this when he felt the call of a crossroad client. A girl hellbent quite literally on her own revenge. An innocent and pure one at that. The way she spoke about it sent chills down his spine and caused a twitch in his cock. It had been a long time since anything caught his interest and an even longer time since ‘someone’ caught his interest. This girl did both. What did these people do to cause such dark stirrings in such an innocent soul? A soul he now desperately wanted. But not for the deal. Not for his job. No, he wanted it and the girl for himself. He wanted to corrupt her, to show her how to harness that dark within that was just bubbling for release. He wanted her to be his, the demon in him craved it. Clawing at his mind.


It DEMANDED it. He knew his eye’s glowed for a moment when her head tilted slightly. His inner demon hissed, ‘MINE. OURS. MATE.’ Crowley was shocked.


It couldn’t be. All creature’s had soul mates he knew but it was damn near impossible for demons to find theirs. They collected souls; they didn’t have them but his inner darkness claimed her. So she was his. Thousands of years on this planet and he found her. He would keep her and kill anyone in the way. She was his. This thought made him smile in a way that most would find menacing but his Bella just cocked an eyebrow up at him. He chuckled.


“As you wish. I do want to know why however. Perhaps we can speak somewhere more……. private and comfortable.” He winked at her watching her cheeks flush. Perfection he thought. “Do you live in this area?”


“No… I’m just passing through. I’m staying at a hotel near here we could go to. It’s only about a fifteen-minute walk from here.”


“Hmm, sounds exhausting. I have a better idea.”


Crowley walks right up to the girl and wraps his arms around her waist. Then in a blink they were gone and just as fast reappeared in her hotel room. He suddenly let’s her go only for her to grip onto his arms for balance.


“JESUS!” She shouts


Crowley wrinkles his nose at that. “Um no, Crowley dear. Did you forget? C-R-O-W-L-E-Y. Do not use that term. It’s annoying.”


The little brunette snorts. “Holy shit than, better?”


“No” He mock glares at her


“Holy hell?” She smiles.


“Who the fuck would say holy hell?” He stares at her like she is crazy, only causing her to quickly clamp a hand over her mouth. He can still hear the giggle’s though and sees her face turning red while she tries to contain them. He quirks his eyebrow at her and she busts. Stepping back from him and holding her stomach while laughing.


He smirks at having caused his mate to laugh. This pleases him greatly. His inner darkness as well. Crowley walks over to a chair and sits while placing his feet on the table and his hands behind his head. He watches and waits for his mate to calm down.


“Are you quite finished now beautiful Bella?”


She looks up at him and giggles again nodding her bead before she walks over and sits in the chair on the other side of the table.


“Yes and thank you for that. I honestly can’t remember the last time I laughed at all.”


Crowley furrows his brows at this. Why would she not be laughing? He needs to learn all he can about her, he will not have his mate unhappy. It doesn’t matter if he is a demon. All creatures are the same with their mates. Their needs and happiness is the most important. A mate is the only person a demon would willingly die for.


“When was the last time you laughed?” I was curious to know.


“Before my father was murdered.” She whispered brokenly and sniffled.


Murdered? Is she in danger? That will not do at all. Before he can ask anything else however, Bella speaks again. “I read that the deal is you grant my wish and I get ten years before you get my soul. I’m okay with that honestly. Just help me. Please Crowley.”


He loves the way his name sounds coming from her lips, but he doesn’t want her dying. If she dies before she has accepted the darkness within her than she would go to heaven and he would lose her. Unacceptable.


“Why are you okay with dying so quickly?” I needed to know.


“Because five or ten years is more than I have now. So to me it’s a good deal. If things stay the way they are now I’ll be dead soon, but I refuse to die till I make everyone pay for betraying me. Hurting me and my father. For their lies.”


Dead soon.


Dead soon.


Dead soon.


He can hear his beast chanting this with a hiss and he is not happy. This means she is in danger. From who though and who killed her father? Why? Was it to torture his mate? If so… There would be a massacre. He would drag them all to hell personally.


Crowley takes his feet off the table and sits up in his chair. He leans forward to look in her eyes while his own glowed red with his anger. “Tell me everything.”




                                                                                                                     BELLA POV


Everything? He wants to know everything I guess I should have seen that coming but what if he thinks I’m weak as well? For some reason his opinion truly matters to me. What if he finds me weak and bothersome as well? Would he still be willing to help me? He’s the only chance I have to get out of this mess. I have no choice. I sit up straighter while biting my lip as my nerves hit me. I look up at him to see his eye’s that were glowing turn back to normal and quickly dart to my mouth than back to my eyes. Damn. Why does he have to be so sexy? Sigh. Here goes nothing. I lean forward with my elbow on the table and my chin in my hand while looking at him I start my story.


“I’ll try to tell you everything while still keeping it simple. Basically I moved to Forks, Washington to live with my father a while back. He was a great man and the chief of police. Everyone loved him. While I went to school, I met a boy named Edward. I became infatuated with him. I thought it was love but really, I was just curious why he was so different. His family to. It became an obsession. I’ve always been a curious person. Any ways I came to find out him and his family. Adoptive of course. Were all vampires. Cold Ones. He claimed I was both his singer and his mate. Which never made any sense to me. How am I supposed to be your soul mate if you are constantly wanting to eat me? Any ways I gave him a chance though and we started dating. Some nomads came through and the leader decided I would be a fun snack. He beat me all to hell and bit me before Edward and his family showed up. Jasper the only one of the family I still care about killed the nomad while Edward sucked out the venom. He didn’t want me to turn. A while later the family threw me a birthday party I did not want. I cut my finger opening a present. There was a drop of blood. Jasper tried to attack me, he’s an empath so he felt the bloodlust of himself and six others so of course he snapped. It didn’t help when Edward pushed me out of the way so hard, I fell through a glass table. Jasper left and I never saw him again, I knew he felt ashamed and guilty even though he shouldn’t of. And that DAMN family didn’t care enough about him to even LOOK for him.” She slammed her hand down on

the table. “Someone they claimed as a son, a mate and a brother.”


“Carlisle the father figure stitched me up. A couple days later Edward took me in the woods and broke up with me saying I was a toy he was tired of playing with. I got lost, ended up in the rain for hours. Damn near died of hypothermia. One of the shifters found me and carried me home to my father who took care of me. They’re this tribe of Indians that turn into giant wolves. Anyways, I tried moving on but it hurt to be tossed aside so easily. There was a spot near the beach where locals would go cliff diving. I thought I’d give it a try just something to distract me. It was fun to but when I got home Alice, Edward’s sister was there. She can see the future kind of. Anyways she thought I had committed suicide when she saw me jump from the cliff and apparently dumbass Edward was so upset, he decided to go to Italy and ask the kings there to grant him death. I didn’t want that on my conscience so I went to save him. Ended up in front of the kings begging for him to be spared. They granted it if Edward promised to change me, which he did. Went back to Forks. Found a note in my room on my bed from a vampire named Victoria who was the mate of the nomad Jasper killed. She said she was going to make me pay for causing his death by killing everyone important to me. I told the Cullen’s, Edwards family and they decided to just up and leave. That I wasn’t worth the trouble or the risk of any of them getting hurt. So I told the shifters since it’s their job to kill vampire’s and any threats they make. They told me I was on my own for being a fang lover. About a week later I came home to find my father’s corpse in the living room. If you can even call it a corpse…” Her lip quivered as tears silently started to fall down her cheek. “The walls and ceiling were painted red with his blood. An arm hanging on the ceiling fan. A leg on the stairs, his torso propped up in his favorite chair. His head was on a plate on the kitchen counter with a note nailed between his eye’s saying this was just the start, love Victoria. The packed kicked me out of the town saying it was my fault he died even though I warned them. I sold the house, took the money and have been on the road since. Now I’m on my own with Victoria and the Volturi after me. And so much hatred it burns! Hatred towards everyone I always thought was family to me. Hatred for losing the only real family I had. And everyone keeps blaming for being the weak little human and I’m FUCKING PISSED! I want them to feel my pain, I want them to feel what it’s like to feel weak!”


 I was all but screaming at the end. My tears streaming down my face. I hadn’t allowed myself to cry yet. Not for the betrayals and not for Charlie. Suddenly I’m in Crowley’s lap. What’s he doing?


He places a finger under my chin and lifts my face look at him. My crying slows when I feel his thumb slide up my face and gently wipe away my tears.


“Sshhh. It is okay beautiful Bella. Cry if you need to. Get it all out so you have room for the hatred they so deserve. You my dear are not weak. After everything these bastards have done to you, after all the people who turned their backs on you and after losing your father, you still fight. You didn’t quit. You came looking for a way to make them pay. And they will. I will grant you what want. Anything you desire.”


“What will it cost?” I whisper. My throat sore from shouting. The price didn’t matter to me as long as they all suffered.


“We will discuss the price after you cry and get some sleep. I already said I liked you and would work out a more generous offer. Well my dear now I admire you and your strength.” He chuckles, “Cry than sleep. I will not leave your side while you do so. I don’t want any of these enemies getting a hold of you. I need you alive if I’m to grant you your wish so for now you have yourself a bodyguard as well. Consider it apart of the deal. Worry about the rest tomorrow.”


“Okay. Thank you, Crowley. I’m glad that stupid box in the ground worked. You should really try getting an email or something, it would be way easier.”


Bella felt is chest rumble while he laughed and it eased her heart. She felt safe for the first time in a very long time. Safe enough to close her eye’s and fall asleep against his chest. After all she had vampires after her. Where was safer than in the arms of a demon. And she didn’t have a single nightmare.




                                                                                                                          CROWLEY POV


Crowley was seething. How could these people claim to be her friends? Or fucking MATE??! And abandon her. No wonder she wants revenge. She will have it and more for he wants them to pay just as much. They almost got HIS mate killed before he found her. She was never that sparkling fuck twats’ mate. He needed to know everything about these Cullen’s. Where this Victoria currently was. The Volturi were easy to handle. He knew them well. They owed him for ridding of the Romanians. Crowley was the reason they had their damn thrones. Still he needed to know if they were looking for her. First was the immediate danger to his mate, this Victoria. Also tracking down the Cullen’s may take some time unless…


He didn’t want to leave her but he needed to take a trip back to hell. He had plenty of demons that were once vampires. The vampires on earth constantly whining about how they don’t have souls when in fact they do. It’s their choice to become monsters. Some vampires go to heaven, some go to hell. Well most go to hell. He chuckled.


And if any under his employ wanted to climb the ranks than they would help him track down the bastards that hurt his mate. But what to do with her while he learns about these shifters, Victoria and Cullen’s. He can’t leave her alone and he will not trust her safety to just any one.


His inner darkness hissed at his thoughts but there was only one person he knew for a fact wouldn’t hurt her and would keep her safe. They weren’t on good terms but the feathery bastard was honorable. It doesn’t matter if angels were meant to destroy demons, this one would never separate mates. Besides he had no choice. He wouldn’t leave her with anyone else and while his darkness didn’t like the idea it did agree that Castiel was the best choice.


Crowley stood up and carried his future bride, the future queen of hell over to the bed. He waved his fingers and the blanket pulled back, he gently placed her down and reached for the blanket to tuck her in. His beautiful Bella stirred slightly. Eyelids fluttering gently. She cracked one eye open and looked up at him, barely awake.


“Crowley?” She whispered.


 “I’m still here beautiful Bella. Though I’m afraid I have to leave for a moment. I will be back as quick as I can.”


“Where are you going? I thought a bodyguard was a part of the deal your highness.” She smiles and giggles all groggy like.


He couldn’t help but chuckle. Crowley adores the fact she does not fear him. He would never hurt her.


“I will not leave you unprotected. The only person I can trust with your safety will be here with you. I’m going to call him. I will return soon; I need to send out some people to find the ones that have hurt you and make plans.”


“And the deal?”


“We will discuss when I get back. Get some more sleep. You will be safe. You have my word.”


“I trust you.” She mumbles softly before once again passing back out.


He felt a warmth in his chest he was not used to. It was uncomfortable yet soothing. He wanted to feel it again. She trusted me and I would not lose that trust. Crowley swore she would never feel betrayal by him, never fear, never pain. She was the only one he would never direct his anger or demon towards. It would destroy him if she ever became afraid of him.


After he tucked her in, Crowley opened the sliding doors and stepped out onto the balcony.




Suddenly there was a trench coat flapping in the breeze beside him.


“What do you want Crowley?” The angel stood before him.


“Calm down feathers. I need a favor.”


“Why do you think I would help you with a favor?”


“Because it’s something even you wouldn’t say no to feathers. Don’t worry it doesn’t go against any of your personal morals and other angelic nonsense.” I said rolling my eyes. He’s always difficult.


“I find that hard to believe Crowley. What could you possibly need help with that I would agree to?” The angel complained.


“I need you to keep a human girl safe. Protect her while I’m gone. I won’t be long. A day or two at most.”


“A human girl? Why? Let me guess she came to you for a deal and you want your payment.” Castiel glared.


Crowley growled, grabbed the angel by the collar of his trench coat and lifted him off the ground.


“YES she came to me for a deal. NO I’m not worried about her for the payment. Now you watch what the hell you say about MY MATE! Can you protect her or not? I WILL NOT LOSE HER! SHE IS MINE!” I growled in his face eye’s glowing.


“Mate? You’ve found your mate?” Castiel asked softly tapping on Crowley’s wrist to tell him he can be put down.


“Yes. And she’s in danger. She doesn’t know that I am her mate. Someone claimed that she was their mate than abandoned her. I don’t want her knowing we are mates till she sees that I would never do that to her. This bastard also left her life in danger. She is being hunted. I need her safe while I try to fix all of this.” Crowley said after placing the angel gently back on his feet.


“Of course I’ll protect her. Everyone deserves to find their mate Crowley, even you.” The angel said placing a hand on Crowley’s shoulder. “For you to have one means there is something good in you still, no matter how very…. Very, very small.” Crowley snorted and Castiel smirked. “Now who would claim to be her mate? They should have known better and who is after her? The more I know the better I can protect her. I won’t leave her side; you have my word.” The angel said nodding


“Some foolish vampire boy claimed her, she was also his singer. He abandoned her with another vampire after her. A woman named Victoria who already murdered her father. Everyone she ever considered a friend turned their back on her.”


Crowley was surprised by the expression that crossed the angels face. He had almost looked angry.


“To claim someone is your mate knowing they aren’t and abandoning them anyways. It’s sickening! Mates are the world’s greatest gifts! To be bestowed upon any and all creatures! It’s blasphemy of the highest order.” He yelled, throwing his hands in the air.


Crowley looks at Castiel with a small bit of respect. He knew he was the right person to ask for help.


“Well than feather’s I leave her in your capable hands. I told her a bodyguard was a part of the deal. Just go with it, I’ve already warned her I had to leave to do some work. I need to send out some trackers. She knows someone I can trust with her safety will be here when she awakens.”


“I understand. I will keep the mate bond a secret and protect her from any and all threats.”


“Call me feather’s if there’s any problems at all. Anything.”


“You have my word Crowley.”


He nods to the angel than walks inside to see her one more time before he leaves. She so beautiful she could pass as an angel herself. He reaches and brushes the hair from her face.


‘Crowley’ She whispers in her sleep.


“I’ll be back soon my beautiful Bella.”


Then in a black mist he was gone.



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