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Death's Desserts


He stood outside the bookstore looking across the street at a Café sign for the best muffins around. Humm…. He did enjoy a good muffin and it was almost snack time. He gripped his cane tighter and tapped it lightly on the concrete deciding. Well if he didn’t enjoy his snack he could always just kill everyone like usual. With his mind made up, Death went to cross the street but just as he took one step a young brunette woman came running out of the bookstore, slamming into him and making him drop his cane. Death grit his teeth together before he sighed. He turned around to dispose of the body, after all, anyone who touched him died. That’s why he was Death. The reaper. However, the air caught in his lungs as he looked upon the woman that bumped into him. The very ALIVE woman. What….. She was bent down picking his cane up from the ground while fumbling over words of apology to him. “I’m so sorry sir. Really I didn’t mean to. Are you okay? I tripped on the last step coming out the door. OH! I even made you drop your cane! I’ll pick it up for you.” She lifted his cane and held it out for him. Death gazed down at her while reaching out. When his hand grabbed his cane he made sure to graze his fingers across hers. Instead of her dying there was a warmth when they touched. The girl quickly looked up at him, her chocolate-brown eyes meeting his own. He couldn’t help but stare and wasn’t sure what surprised him more. The fact that she was obviously immune to him or how beautiful she was. Her eyes were the color of his favorite sweets. The girl’s hair he thought was pure brown now showed streaks of fire red under the street light. She was pale, her skin nearly matched his own. Death had to look down she was so much shorter than his own six feet height. Perhaps he had stared too long because a beautiful blush stained her cheeks as she began to fidget. Death cleared his throat and took the cane from her grasp. “Thank you and an apology is unnecessary. It was just as much my fault for standing near the door. I do apologize beauty.” He spoke in his deep gravelly voice while bowing his head slightly. It was not often he had the chance to speak to people. They were often wary of him and avoided him altogether. He watched as she bit her lip and blushed further, her skin staining red all the way down the collar of her shirt. This caused him to smirk. Breathtaking he thought. “It’s alright. It was my fault really. I’m so clumsy, this happens a lot but usually, I don’t take innocent by standards down with me.” Death chuckled. When was the last time he laughed? Had he ever? Not in his memory but he had been on earth since it was created. Perhaps he just didn’t remember. The girl seemed pleased at making him laugh and beamed up at him. A breathtaking smile. He winked at her causing her to blush again. She seemed to do that a lot. He wondered if it was just with him or if it happened with everyone. A tinge of jealousy hit his chest but he ignored it. It was most likely because he had never been able to chat with anyone before and wanted to take up her time getting to know her. Maybe even make a friend. “Don’t worry about me, I can take a fall. Thank you for my cane.” “Of course! I’ve never seen you around before… Why were you just standing out here?” “Ah, I’m just visiting. I saw that sign.” He pointed to the café across the street. “I was craving something sweet or baked and was contemplating if I should try it or not.” The girl wrinkled her nose. “Their muffins are kind of dry I wouldn’t suggest it.” He sighed. He was getting hungry. “Well, that’s sad.” He pursed his lips. The girl giggled at his sad expression. He truly did want something now. “I have an idea. Consider it my apology! Why don’t you sit on that bench right there and I’ll be right back.” She began to run off but stopped a few feet away turning back to face him. “Wait for me okay!” He smiled and nodded watching her take off again. Death sat at the bench twirling his cane while waiting, wondering where the girl went. It wasn’t long however when he heard footsteps approaching again and he glanced to the side watching her approach with something in each hand. Her bag from the bookstore dangling on her wrist. She sat down next to him and handed him what she bought. It was wrapped up so he couldn’t see what it was. While he opened the top of it she put her book bag on the ground and began opening her own. He saw a crepe filled with strawberries and crème. Sugar and cinnamon dusted on top, it smelt divine. Death bit into it and let out a hum. The girl giggled. Inside was chocolate sauce and a little caramel. “This is fantastic.” He said while taking another bite. “Right! It’s some of my favorites. Comes from a food truck around the corner. I loved it so much that I started baking. Now I usually make my own desserts since most places cakes and things always taste too dry to me.” They were both sitting on the bench just enjoying the other's company while munching away at their treats. He was enjoying himself so much that the time felt like it went too quickly before they were both finished. Death didn’t want it to be over yet. He stood up gathering both of their wrappers and tossing them into a nearby bin. “I would have thrown those away.” He walked back to her reaching to help her stand. “You bought them; it was the least I could do. However, I am curious now to the treats that you yourself make if that crepe was your inspiration.” “Baking turned into a hobby of mine. I wouldn’t mind making something for you.” “I’d be happy to pay you.” “No that’s not necessary how about ….. you be my guinea pig!” He chuckled at her enthusiasm but what was a guinea pig? She must have noticed his confusion because she began to explain. “There are some desserts I’ve been wanting to learn how to make. I could really use someone to try them and tell me if they're missing something.” “It would be my pleasure.” He bowed his head slightly once again. Death wanted to treat her with respect, too afraid to lose his only friend. As usual, her cheeks became red but she looked quite happy. “I’m Bella by the way.” How ironic that her name even meant beauty. It fit her perfectly. “I am..” He couldn’t say his name was death. That might frighten her. “Azrael.” “Azrael.” She whispered and it caused a shiver down his spine. “I like it.” “I’m pleased that you do.” He smiled. His chest filled with an odd warmth he wasn’t unused to. As Death, all he ever felt was cold and empty. Until he met her. She smiled back before pulling a small notepad and pencil from her coat pocket. Bella quickly scribbled her name and number down for him then handed it over. “Text me so I have your number and I’ll be sure to let you know when I make something.” He reached for her hand but held on long enough to bring it up to his face. His eye’s remained focused on her own as he bent to place a kiss on her knuckles. Her breath quickened as he stood straighter and slid the paper from her palm before pocketing it in his own coat. “I will do so. You have my word beauty. Feel free to contact me for anything. Anytime.” He winked at her before turning and walking away. Whistling as he went.

Death was walking down the street thinking of the young beauty when his ring began to burn. The only time that occurred was when someone was about to die before their time. People thought reaping the dead was his only job. No Death’s existence was for balance. To make sure people died when they were meant to and others didn’t die until they were meant to. Death tossed his cane up in the air and watched as it turned into his scroll of the dead. Who was he to save today? There on the scroll, a name flashed Blue indicating they needed to be saved. Isabella Marie Swan “Isabella… Bella?” Death growled squeezing the scroll as it turned back into his cane. He took a step disappearing and reappearing within seconds somewhere else. “Leave me alone!” He heard his Bella shouting from a nearby alleyway. He turned the corner to see three men cornering her against a wall trying to reach and rip at her clothes. He quickly but silently moved behind the middle one knocking him out with his cane. Death could have simply touched him but he didn’t want to frighten her more than she already was. Tears streaming down her face. As the man’s body fell to the ground at Death’s feet, the other two men turned to see what had happened. “Azrael?” Bella whimpered. “Get behind me.” Bella didn’t need any further invitations as she darted behind her new friend. “Who the fuck are you?” One of the men yelled. “Oh me? Just a food connoisseur and you just happen to be attacking my personal chef.” The fear in Bella’s eyes turned to amusement. Good, he simply despised fear in her eyes after knowing her kindness. These men would die when she wasn’t around to see it. His cane vibrating softly in his fingertips, these men’s names turning red showing their very near execution. “Look you scrawny son of a…” The man’s sentence was cut off as a silver car came speeding around the corner and stopping mere inches from the alley they were standing in. A teenage boy with copper hair came stomping out and towards them. “Isabella!” “Edward?” His beauty questioned. “I came to save you.” “How did you even know I was in trouble?” “That’s not important right now, let’s go! I’m taking you home.” As the boy got closer, Death could see he was a breed of vampire. He’d always hated them, thinking they could cheat the reaper but their time always came and he relished the look upon their faces when he came for them. They always thought just because they don’t age that their time will never come. Reckless beasts. How did his beauty know this monster? “But…” She looked up at Azrael. “Go on beauty, I will make sure everything is settled here.” He leaned down towards her ear and whispered low enough so the boy wouldn’t hear. “I will call you soon to make sure you made it home safely.” Bella’s shoulder relaxed and she nodded her head. “Okay.” She ran towards Edward and he rushed her into his car. Looking back at Death as he got in himself. A glare on his face. Death would need to keep a close eye on this, the boy was possessive of something that wasn’t his. He only let her go with him so he could discard these vermin. He watched them drive away. “You cost us our fun, you bastard.” “Shame.” Death said then smiled. “My fun however is about to begin.” He quickly reached out and grabbed the one who kept mouthing off. The moment his fingers brushed the man’s neck he fell and began to spasm. Foam poured from his mouth until he stopped dead. “Wwwwwhat did you do to him?” The other still standing began inching away. Death turned to him and smirked, disappearing before the man’s eyes. “Hey, where did you go?!” “Behind you.” The man spun around as Death lifted his cane and swung it against the man’s head. He bent down and touched both of the unconscious ones, killing them, and watched as all three of their bodies disintegrated to ash leaving nothing behind. As he watched the wind blow away the dust his eyes caught something on the ground. It was Bella’s bag from the store. It was wet so he reached in to retrieve her purchase. The book thankfully in perfect condition. He flipped it over and saw that it was a book on tribal lore between shifters and cold ones. “Clever girl.” Well, he had to return it, didn’t he? It was what any upstanding citizen would do after all. He smirked disappearing.

CH 1

Death appeared outside of her house hidden in the trees in time to see Edward pull up. He watched as Bella got out of the car and began walking to the door of her house, Edward following closely behind her. Too close he thought as he tightened his grip around his cane. “Thank you for bringing me home Edward,” Bella said as she reached for her keys to unlock the door. “Of course Bella. I can’t imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t gotten there in time.” “I would have been fine but I appreciate your concern.” She said indifferent. Death could hear the irritation in her voice but the boy was oblivious to it and continued to bug her. “You would have been hurt if I hadn’t gotten there in time Bella! Don’t be irresponsible.” Bella grit her teeth and turned on her heel to stare at the boy, a deep glare on her beautiful face. Death smirked; the fool had only incurred her wrath further. “You need to keep your voice down so you don’t wake up my father and I am not irresponsible. My friend was there and HE came to my rescue. All you did was drive me home. I am under no obligation to swoon at your false heroism.” She turned back opened her door and walked into her home. Bella went to close the door but it was stopped by Edward’s foot. “Bella that man is dangerous. You should stay away from him. I’m here. I’ll watch over you.” Bella opened the door enough to peer at him and huffed angrily. “That man is MY FRIEND. I won’t turn my back on him because you said so. You have no right and I don’t want you watching over me. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Now remove your foot.” “Bella…” The boy said in a pleading manner. “Now Edward or I’ll scream and have my father remove you.” Edward removed his foot with a frustrated sigh. He didn’t have time to utter another word before Bella closed and locked the door in his face. Death watched as Edward stomped back to his car, slamming the door shut loudly as he climbed in and then drove off. He chuckled at the immortal child’s immaturity. He acted like a toddler not getting his way. Death stepped out from the shadow and looked up noticing a light come on in the second-floor window. That must be the girl’s room he thought right before he saw her silhouette behind the curtain. He reached into his coat to pull out the phone number she gave him. Luckily enough he did in fact own a phone. It always seemed ridiculous since he had no one to communicate with before but he found the little human invention ‘google’ useful to find shops with delicious treats for him where ever he happened to be. This was the first time he would be able to use it to speak to someone. He typed in her number and sent her a text. ‘Have you made it home safely beauty?’ From where he was standing under her window he could hear the silent ding from her phone indicating she had received his message. He chuckled as he also heard her footsteps quickly rush to the phone. It was only a moment before his phone vibrated in his hand. ‘Yes thank you for messaging me and coming to my rescue earlier. Are you alright?? You didn’t get hurt, did you? I hated leaving you behind.’ He smiled at her needless worry for himself. ‘Yes, I am fine my dear no worries. I’m stronger than I look. If it isn’t much trouble I wondered if I may come by your home shortly. I found the book you dropped and just wanted to give it to you.’ ‘OH! I had completely forgotten about that. I don’t want to bother you this late though but I would like to get started on the book immediately…’ ‘It’s no trouble, do not worry about the hour bothering me beauty. I don’t sleep much.’ ‘Okay then if you really don’t mind.’ She sent him her address as well. ‘Let me know when you’re here and I’ll come to the door.’ ‘I will see you shortly’ He decided to lean up against a tree and wait a while before he mentioned being here. He knew she expected him to still be back near where the men had attacked her. Even in a car, it should have taken him thirty minutes with no traffic to get here, so that’s how long he would wait so it wouldn’t be suspicious. He checked his phone to see that 29 minutes had passed. Death was about to push himself off the tree and approach her front door but before he could he noticed movement. It was the foolish boy returning, he had walked right past Death too focused on Bella’s window to notice him standing in the trees. The boy stopped below her window and reached to climb up. Death became angry, this bastard was trying to peek into the privacy of her home in the middle of the night. He decided to use this to his advantage. Quickly he grabbed his phone and sent Bella a text telling her he was approaching her home; he quickly snapped a picture as well showing the boy attempting to climb to her room. He pocketed the device and then snuck up behind Edward. One of the many benefits of being who he was, no person or creature could sense Death. After all, where was the fun in being able to see Death coming for you he thought as he smirked. “What do you think you are doing young man?” Edward jumped back to the ground and spun around growling. “What are you doing here?!” “I believe I asked you first.” “It’s not your business!” “Then my reason is not your concern either.” While Death was having this little argument with the idiot, he noticed Bella had opened the front door and stood there observing them with wide eyes. The vampire hadn’t even noticed her presence too enraged by Death. “You need to leave! What kind of sick pervert are you showing up at a girl’s home in the middle of the night!” Edward seethed. “Pervert you say? You were the one trying to climb up to her bedroom window uninvited. I have reason to be here.” “You’re not welcome here!” “EDWARD!” Bella hissed. The boy turned to face her when she spoke. He knew he had been caught in a precarious condition. Bella stomped over to the two men, she stood protectively in front of Death causing him to smirk cockily towards the younger man. Which of course only further enraged Edward as he stumbled over his own words for a believable excuse as to his presence outside her home. “Bella I was just….. passing by when I noticed this man approaching your house! He was obviously peeping, he’s sick Bella! I was just keeping you safe.” “He’s not sick I invited him here! How dare you be rude to my guest and friend! Don’t you dare call him a pervert when you’re the one I heard was trying to climb up to MY BEDROOM!” “He’s lying Bella! He is just trying to get you alone. I would never do such a thing!” Death cleared his throat causing both of them to turn in his direction as he held up his phone with the picture he’d taken. It very obviously shows Edward halfway up to her window. He smiled wickedly. “Lying you say?” Edward growled loudly at being caught. “Stop growling like an animal and leave! I don’t want you here! I’m not sure what you’re problem is but you can stay away from me.” Tears gathered in Bella’s eyes. She felt embarrassed, ashamed, and sick that Edward was trying to watch her in the middle of the night. Bella grabbed Death’s hand and pulled him inside her house. She sent one last glare toward Edward before she closed and locked the door quietly. “I am so sorry about that.” She sniffled. “Don’t apologize for someone else’s actions beauty.” He said while reaching into his coat and pulling out her book. He leaned into her ear to whisper in case the boy was still near. “You’re a very clever girl, Bella, so close to the truth.” Bella grabbed the book and clutched it to her chest tightly, she whispered back. “He isn’t human is he?” Death smiled softly at her and shook his head. Bella bit into her bottom lip, “You’re not either are you?” He shook his head again. “But you’re something different than Edward?” This time he nodded. “Are you frightened of me?” He asked softly. “No.” She answered without hesitation. “Good.” He smiled sadly. “Most are weary of me. It can be lonely.” “Are you going to tell me what you are?” “No, I would like to see if you can figure it out on your own. I will tell you that I’m not human nor vampire but I am very very very old.” “Thank you.” Bella blushed “For what beauty?” “For giving me answers. Edward always avoided them, and acted like I was crazy to think something was off about him. Even if you don’t tell me what you are, you still admitted you were something else. You haven’t lied to me. Thank you for that.” She smiled happily. “I’m kind of excited to figure it out myself! Will I get clues?” He chuckled at her enthusiasm, “You still have treats to make for me, so you will see me more. I have every confidence in you to figure it out the more you learn. I will answer a question each time I see you. Fair?” He asked Bella nodded enthusiastically, “I guess you’re just going to have to come around A LOT more.” She giggled. Death enjoyed that idea immensely. “As you wish beauty.” He bowed his head slightly. “Simply call and I will come.” He decided to give her a clue for the night. He winked at her then tapped his cane on the ground disappearing before her eyes. The last thing he heard was a gasp.

CH 2

Bella woke up the next day still tired. She stayed up rather late reading the book Azrael had brought her and thanks that she had figured out what the Cullen’s were. Cold Ones. Vampires….. She didn’t mind that they weren’t human or that they were vampires but the fact that Edward seemed somewhat obsessed with her creeped her out immensely. Charlie was already gone so instead of cooking breakfast, Bella grabbed some pop tarts and hopped in her truck to go to school. When she arrived at school all of the Cullen’s were already there. She really didn’t want to put up with Edward today. Bella was still pissed and embarrassed about last night. She parked and then hopped out of the truck wearing her backpack while munching on her pop tart. Deciding to ignore them she headed straight towards school but her solitude didn’t last long before Edward caught up with her and knocked her breakfast out of her hand. “That’s not healthy Bella. How about I buy you breakfast?” He said smiling Bella turned on her heel to glare at him. She was glad most of the students had already gone inside. It was just her and the Cullens in the parking lot. “How fucking dare you even speak to me after what you did last night! You keep the fuck away from me or I’ll have my father file a restraining order against you. I’m sure my friend would only be too happy to send me that picture of you trying to climb into my bedroom last night. That’s all I would need to have you arrested as a sex offender!” “YOU WHAT?!” Rosalie shouted walking up to Edward and slapping him across the face. “That’s disgusting Edward!” “I was only trying to make sure she was okay.” He defended “He’s right Rose,” Alice said skipping up happily and then turning to Bella. “We were only worried.” “In that case, you can also stay the hell away from me,” Bella said before storming inside the school and to her first class. Bella was seething. There was no excuse for his actions and how dare his sister try to stick up for him. Bella did need to remember to thank Rosalie though for what she did and said. There were no hard feelings from her when it came to the other Cullens. Rosalie, Emmet, and Jasper all looked pissed by what they had found out. Still, she wished her friend was here. Something about him made her feel safe. Important. She missed him already. “Azrael..” She whispered with a sigh thinking of him when suddenly her phone vibrated in her pocket. Seeing that the teacher was facing the board and away from her, she reached into her pocket to check her texts. ‘You called?’ -Azrael- How did he know?! Bella quickly looked out the windows and around the campus but she didn’t see him anywhere. ‘How did you know I said your name?’ Bella replied quickly then glanced up once again to make sure the teacher was still turned around. ‘I told you beauty. Call and I will answer.’ ‘But I said it out loud. How could you tell?’ ‘Out loud? Aren’t you in class?’ ‘yes…’ ‘Thinking of me while in school are you beautiful? ’ Bella blushed while shoving her phone into the pocket of her hoodie. Just in time as the teacher had turned around carrying on his lecture. She kept shaking her foot impatiently waiting for either the teacher to turn again or the bell to ring so that she could reply. She bit her lip and blushed thinking of his last message. Her phone vibrated again and she wanted to groan. The bell rang and Bella raced out of the classroom and to her next class. She was the first to sit down, the teacher was not there yet so she pulled out her phone. Another text awaited her causing her to smile. ‘You’re even more beautiful when you blush.’ Now she knew he had to be here somewhere. ‘Where are you?’ ‘Look outside, in the trees.’ Her eyes looked out the window and darted around the tree line when a figure dressed in black caught her eyes. She smiled knowing it was him by his clothes and the glint of light from his cane. ‘You look happy to see me’ Another text sent to her phone said. ‘I am.’ ‘What is wrong?’ ‘Just Edward has already irritated me today. I’m not looking forward to the class I have with him later.’ ‘He goes to school with you?’ ‘Yes, it’s how I met him and his family. He has four other siblings that go here too.’ ‘I admit I don’t like those numbers beauty… You must tell me if you ever feel in danger.’ . ‘I don’t want you to get hurt and besides it’s only him and his sister Alice that’s the problem. The others don’t seem too bad.’ ‘They can not hurt me so do not worry for me. There is only one item in this world that can kill me and I happen to have it hidden away where only I know its location.’ Bella couldn’t help but feel relieved. Still, this was another clue… She suddenly remembered that he said he was very old. Was he older than the Cullens? They were all vampires so they must be pretty old. Then why do they go to school? Why were their eyes gold when the book said they should be red? Bella knew Azrael would answer any questions she had about the Cullen’s but she also wanted to know more about him. ‘How old are you?’ She typed back but then the teacher walked in and class started. When the bell rang again it was time for lunch. She could text him much easier now. She was amazed that she hadn’t tripped on her run to the cafeteria. Bella grabbed a tray of food and quickly sat down at Angela’s table. The girl wasn’t there yet though. Bella took a bite of food and grabbed her phone once more. ‘Hmm that’s a question and I don’t believe I have received any treats yet beauty.’ Bella smiled typing quickly. ‘Tonight?’ Angela’s tray hitting the table startled Bella causing her to jump in her seat. The girl giggled. “Sorry, Bella. You sure seem happy though. Who’re you texting?” “My new friend.” Bella blushed. “Mmm hmm.” Angie giggled. “Is this friend a boy?” Bella’s face turned a shade of red it had never been before causing Angela to giggle more. “Well, I’m happy for you Bella. Does he go to school here? Where did you meet him?” “I actually ran into him, literally.” Bella sighed. “At Port Angeles. He’s very nice. We’ve only been chatting mostly so far. He’s not from here.” “Congrats Bella! Be sure to let me know how it goes. I’m just happy to see you smiling.” “Thanks, Angie,” Bella said giving her friend a hug when her phone buzzed and she rushed to read her new message causing Angela to smile. ‘What time do you get out of school?’ ‘3’ ‘Your father?’ ‘He’s working late. Won’t be home until after dark.’ ‘Then if it’s alright with you I would like to stay until he comes home. I do not trust the Cullen boy.’ ‘I would like that.’ ‘See you after school beauty’ Bella looked out the window after reading his message to see him wave before disappearing again. The only question on her mind now…… What should I bake for him?

CH 3

When the last bell of the day finally rang, Bella rushed out to her car but her steps faltered when she saw Alice already waiting by her truck. Bella groaned rolling her eyes but continued, she just wanted to go home. “Hey, Bella!” Alice chirped cheerfully Bella opened her door, tossing her backpack in. “What do you want?” “Just to tell you that Edward is really sorry if he freaked you out at all, he just really really likes you and wanted to make sure you were okay. That’s all. Promise.” “Shove your promise up your ass Alice. Edward trying to sneak into my bedroom window was breaking several different laws that I won’t have a problem making sure he’s charged for unless you keep him the hell away from me!” She seethed jumping into her truck and driving away. “Really likes me my left ass cheek.” She grumbled. When Bella pulled up into her driveway she was practically bouncing in place with excitement to see Azrael again. Something about his presence made her feel safe, perhaps because he had saved her once already and knew that he wouldn’t lie to her. She trusted him. Rushing inside her house she tossed her backpack on the kitchen counter and began pulling out ingredients. She wanted to do her best to impress him and have him come back to visit her more. “Flour…. sugar…vanilla…” She mumbled as she pulled out each new item. “What are you making beauty?” Bella jumped up with an eep and spun around. “Azrael!” Bella smiled brightly, placing the items on the counter and then running and hugging him. She felt his fingers go through her hair and had to stop from humming in bliss. Pulling back with a blush, she looked up to see his eyes soften towards her and a smirk on his lips. Lips she had to pull her eyes away from quickly so he wouldn’t notice her staring, the thought causing her blush to deepen. A chuckle rumbled from his chest. The sound made her smile more. “Sorry, I missed you.” Bella chewed on her bottom lip and went back to the kitchen. “I remembered that you were looking at the muffin sign outside the book store so I thought I would make that.” “Sounds wonderful, I actually enjoy muffins immensely.” Death said as he took a seat at the small island in the kitchen and watched her. “Is blueberry okay?” “My favorite actually.” Bella flashed him a wide smile. “Mine too!” He chuckled at her enthusiasm. “How was your day beauty? Did those Cullens leave you alone?” Her sigh was all the answer he really needed to know it wasn’t a good day but he wanted to hear her voice. “The day wasn’t all awful, I did get to text a friend of mine through some of it.” She took a glance at him and he winked causing her to giggle. “Edward and Alice drove me crazy. Though they have a sister named Rosalie and when she found out about Edward trying to get into my room she slapped him. Right there in the parking lot!” He laughed. “Rightfully so.” “mmm,” She hummed as she mixed everything in a bowl. Then went to the fridge to pull out the blueberries. “Alice though kept trying to defend him, saying he was worried because he had some kind of crush or something on me.” Death tapped his fingers on the table, that thought irritated him. “Is that so?” He asked, his voice deeper than usual. “That’s what she said, of course, I don’t believe it. He tried to control everything today! I just wanted to slap him.” She grumbled. “Please don’t beauty, you will only hurt yourself. What do you mean control?” She nodded her head in understanding, “Well I was in a rush this morning so I grabbed a pop tart to eat on the way to class but Edward knocked it out of my hand. Complaining it wasn’t healthy. What I eat is not his business.” Death pursed his lips wondering what the boy was up to. His behavior was unusual even for their kind. “So I’m guessing eating nothing at all is healthier in his opinion?” Bella snorted. “Right! Thank you. The asshole.” Death laughed, he adored it when she was feisty. So much spirit in her. It was beautiful. Bella placed the pan of muffins in the oven and set a timer then moved to sit next to Azrael. She pulled out her homework hoping to finish quickly so she could focus all her attention on him. “I hope you don’t mind, I only have a couple of assignments. I finished the rest at school.” “Not at all beauty.” He bowed his head slightly as usual whenever he was trying to show his respect or gratitude. “By the way did you do your poof thing to get inside my house?” He wrinkled his nose. “I do NOT poof.” Bella rocked in her chair laughing. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She said between laughs. “The Houdini disappear reappear thing.” “Hmmm, that’s better.” He chuckled; her laughter was contagious. “Yes, I did. I apologize if you didn’t like it. I’ll be more than happy to knock if you prefer.” Bella shook her head with a smile, focusing back on her homework. “No, it’s fine. I was just wondering, feel free to appear whenever you want.” He bowed his head slightly again. “So what will your question be today?” “Right! The same as earlier, how old are you?” Bella asked while writing down her math answers. “As old as the world itself.” Bella choked on a gasp and looked at him with wide eyes and her mouth agape. The pencil fell out of her hand and rolled off into the floor. Death waved his hand making the pencil ‘poof’ into his hand and placed it on her homework. “W..w.what… so… like…” She stuttered making him quirk his eyebrow in question. “So you’re as old as the earth? Literally?” “Indeed.” “Holy shit…” He chuckled then tapped his finger on one of her math answers, “That one is wrong.” “What?” Bella looked down at her papers then huffed realizing. “Well thank you.” She said sarcastically making him smile. He had to cover his mouth with his hand to hide his laughter as she grumbled through the rest of her homework. This girl was too amusing. Death was becoming quickly addicted to her presence. No one ever spoke their mind in front of him, too afraid to upset him. It was refreshing and he found himself hoping that he never lost her company. Bella finished her homework just as the timer went off. She quickly put everything back in her bag and moved to the oven, pulling out a pan of perfectly golden muffins. She grabbed two plates and some butter then sat next to Azrael. She buttered up a couple of muffins each and placed his plate in front of him. “Thank you beauty.” “Of course, it was our deal after all.” She smiled and took a bite of her muffin, thankful that they turned out alright. Death took a bite and hummed appreciatively. It was delicious and full of berries. He could taste the splash of vanilla and even some cinnamon. “This is wonderful, best I’ve had in…. at least centuries.” She blushed, “You don’t have to exaggerate. I’m just glad you like it.” “You should know my darling that I never lie. It really is amazing. In fact, I think it is deserving of another question if you wish.” He offered while taking another bite. Bella turned to face him, her leg resting against his. When he felt her his eyes darted to her own seeing the flush of her cheeks. How he wanted to be closer to her, a feeling he was unused to after all he had always been alone. Could he risk it or would it frighten her off? There were some crumbs next to her mouth and he moved his hand closer to her face, using his thumb to wipe them gently from her lips. He pulled his hand back to see her breathing had changed slightly and she was once again gnawing at her bottom lip, an obviously nervous habit of hers. Moving his thumb to his mouth, he sucked off the crumbs watching her eyes darken slightly. Was she as affected by him as he was by her? “Azrael…” She whispered scooting a little closer to him. “Yes, my beauty?” He asked quietly, reaching up and lacing his fingers in her hair. He hummed at the feeling of the silky strands. A feeling he had never known until he met her. He leaned in a little closer. Their noses were only inches apart, both slowly growing closer to each other. Bella’s breathing grew heavier, she wanted to kiss him. Her hand moved to his shoulder and gripped the fabric for leverage, as she leaned further. She could feel his breath against her skin now they were so close. Only a little closer…. She thought. KNOCK KNOCK “BELLA!” KNOCK KNOCK “OPEN THE DOOR!” KNOCK KNOCK The sound of Edward’s voice and the pounding of his fists against her front door caused the both of them to jump back from each other. Bella’s face was hot from either her blushing or her fury, she wasn’t sure. But her anger had nothing on the look that crossed Azrael’s face. She could see his teeth grinding together. A gasp left her as she saw his eyes flash white. Azrael growled; he was so close to seeing if she would return his intentions. “That nosey… immature… son of..” Bella snorted. “Beauty would you like to get it or shall I?” She smiled at him offering the choice. “Do you mind? I’ve kinda had enough of him today.” The smirk that crossed his face was positively wicked and Bella flushed when she felt her lower stomach twinge excitedly. Something about that look was sexy. Death slipped on some gloves, not wanting to kill the boy yet, and went to the door. When he opened it, Death took great satisfaction in the rage that passed the boy's face. “What are you doing? Where’s my Bella?” “Do you mean MY beauty? If so we were having a lovely meal when you rudely interrupted. What do you want boy?” Edward growled. “I want MY MATE!” Death snorted. “She’s not your mate you pathetic fucking sparkle puss. Leave her alone or else.” Edward gawked at the stranger, “You know what I am?” “Yes, leave or I’ll kill you. Or I can always expose you. Either is fine with me and ends in your death.” The threat set off Edward and he tried to run into the house to get to Bella but Death caught him by the throat pinning him to the wall. Edward clawed at Death’s suit trying to get him to release him. “What are you?” He croaked Death smiled darkly sending a shiver down Edwards’s spine and causing alarms to go off in his head. His instincts warning him to run. Edward whimpered when Death let his face flash to that of a skeleton and back again then dropped the boy harshly on the ground, watching as he sped off into the forest. He removed his gloves, placing them back in his pocket, and closed the door. He spun his cane around and walked into the kitchen whistling. Bella didn’t know what he did but his shit-eating grin told her he was happy with himself and made her giggle. Death approached her and instead of sitting, he spun her chair to make her face him then took a single step between her legs. Placing his hand on her chin, he tilted her face upwards. “Where were we?” He whispered before returning his fingers to her hair and lowering his head. His lips grazed her own softly at first. Her tiny hands slid up his chest and gripped his coat pulling him closer. His tongue ran across her lips, he could taste the blueberries still and hummed. Bella gasped opening herself for him to deepen the kiss. Death took the invitation, his tongue stroking against her own making him groan. She tasted better than any sweets. Like the richest chocolates and sweetest cakes. After a few moments, he pulled away slowly and stood up taking a single step back. He didn’t want to be too far from her. Death watched as she tried to catch her breath. Would she be angry with him? “Wow,” She whispered causing him to laugh. That would be a no he thought. “Indeed my beauty. I have to say you taste delectable.” He smirked. Bella flushed brightly. “I wouldn’t mind doing that again.” She said nervously. He wanted to groan; she was too tempting. Instead, he hummed, “I wish to as well if you allow it, however not now I’m afraid.” His eyes softened when he saw her face fall in disappointment. “Don’t doubt my words beauty. I wish to but at the moment I think it best I go see what that boy is up to. His obsession with you is troubling me. I’m going to follow him.” Bella was moved that he wanted to protect her and happy that he made sure she knew both what he was going to do and making sure she knew he wanted to continue as much as she did. But her safety was even more important to him. She nodded her head in understanding. “Okay, you owe me another answer though and…. Be careful... I know they can’t kill you but... I don’t want you hurt either.” Death felt a flutter in his chest that he didn’t quite understand but it was warm. He couldn’t stop himself from kissing her cheek. “Feel free to text me if you’re worried, my dear. I will always answer you. I promise to answer two questions the next time I see you.” “When will that be?” “Whenever you wish.” He bowed his head slightly then disappeared in front of her like he did before only to reappear outside the Cullen home. An argument going on, he could hear the yelling as he approached a window to gaze inside. Death made sure not to make any sound. Let’s see what you’re up to you little bastard, he thought.

CH 4

“I’m telling the truth!” Edward yelled at his family Rosalie, Emmet, and Jasper laughed. Even Alice looked skeptical but still she was confused as well. Her visions hadn’t been working that well since this stranger had come to Forks. Carlisle wanted to believe his son of course but he had never heard of such a thing. “Perhaps it was a trick of the light son.” “His face turned into a SKULL! I know what I saw.” Esme gasped horrified at such an image. “What could he be?” Rosalie huffed, “Doesn’t matter what he is. If he’s anything but human, the man isn’t bothering anyone. Leave him be.” “He’s coming between my mate and me,” Edward growled. Jasper snorted. “She ain’t your mate with the feelings of hatred coming off her towards you.” “It’s that THINGS fault!” “No, it ain’t. If you were really her mate Edward it would be impossible for her to feel any hatred towards you no matter who was meddling.” “That’s true.” Carlisle started and some of the Cullen’s nodded. “But she’s also human so perhaps the mating pull doesn’t touch her as strongly. She might not feel it unless she’s changed. To find a human mate is extremely rare and not much is known about the mating.” “Exactly!” Alice beamed. “I know I saw Bella and Edward happy together before this man came into the picture.” “I call bull.” Emmett shrugged at his sister’s glare his way. “Edward has already said how he would never turn her even if they are mates so there’s no way they are meant to be together or that you saw them together like that. Even if the mating pull worked differently for her because she’s human wouldn’t change the fact that Edward would want desperately to change her so he could keep her forever if she was in fact his mate. His side of the mating wouldn’t be different, so that doesn’t make sense.” Alice gaped open-mouthed towards Emmett and Edward eyed him curiously. Rosalie smirked though; her mate was much more intelligent than the others gave him credit for. Jasper nodded his head in agreement with Emmett. “I just love her more.” Edward started. “So much so that I wouldn’t want to damn my mate to eternity with no soul. Change her into a monster. I want more for her.” Alice nodded as Carlisle and Esme smiled fondly at their son, the obvious praise going to the boy's head as he smiled confidently. Jasper rolled his eyes. “Mating is a selfish instinct. You would change her regardless of your own wants or even hers because her being your true mate you would need her to walk next to you through the ages. None of the craziness spouting out your mouth this evening makes any sense.” “Idiot.” “Jasper! Don’t call your brother names.” Esme scolded “He ain’t my brother. I wouldn’t be related to someone that dumb.” He scoffed causing Rosalie and Emmett to laugh. Outside Death held in a chuckle. He agreed with his beauty, those three Cullens were alright but the others could possibly become a problem. He needed to keep a closer eye on her, nobody would touch her. Carlisle sighed at his children disapprovingly. “There’s still the problem that this man seems to know what we are. We can’t have that.” Rosalie huffed. “Of course, he knows what we are, it’s pretty obvious with the way Edward has been growling and speeding around all over the place. He hasn’t even been trying to act human. It’s his mess, make him clean it up.” “Rose we are a family. We help each other.” Esme said. “Not when a member of that family is breaking laws that could get us all killed. He obviously doesn’t care about our safety so I’m not helping him.” Rose glared before leaving the room. Emmett followed his mate upstairs. “Don’t worry Edward, Jasper will help you kill him!” Alice smiled “No, I won’t,” Jasper growled. “As Rose said, he needs to take responsibility for his selfish actions that have endangered us all. And if the Volturi hear about any of this I will be sure to tell them where the blame lies.” He disappeared up into his study closing the door. “Ignore them, sweetheart. They are the ones being selfish. Family always helps each other.” Esme hugged Edward. “We will help you.” She smiled happily at her son. “I can’t wait to have my new daughter join our family!” “I normally don’t condone violence, however, if he’s in the way of you finding true love son, I understand. We will do what we need to so that you can be happy and bring home our newest family member.” Carlisle smiled while placing his hand on Edward’s shoulder. The rest of the Cullen’s in the living room nodding their heads in agreement making Edward smirk. Death grit his teeth together in anger. He wasn’t worried about the fools hurting him, they couldn’t after all but every time they mentioned Bella being a part of their family had him seething. Like hell, he was going to let that happen. It was a good thing that he didn’t need sleep either because he would not be leaving Bella’s side anytime soon. He wanted to go to her immediately but it was late. Would it upset her? Death needed to be close to make sure that bastard didn’t try sneaking into her room again. Bella had told him that he could ‘Houdini’ his way into her house whenever he desired….. His worry won out in the end as he tapped his cane silently and disappeared only to reappear in her room standing next to her bed. His eyes landed on her sleeping soundly in her bed. The thought of disturbing her made him hesitate but in the end, he gently shook her shoulder not wanting to be like Edward who tried to spy on her when he thought she was asleep. It took a couple of harder nudges before her eyes fluttered open and landed on him. “Azrael?” She whispered groggily while rubbing her eyes. “I’m sorry beauty. That boy seems obsessed to the point it worries me. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable but may I stay around your home at night to keep an eye on you? I don’t want to risk him trying to sneak in again and I don’t want to stay without your permission.” Bella sat up slowly and smiled at him, her tiny hand reaching up and grabbing the collar of his suit to pull him down. Death bent at his waist to appease her. She pecked him softly on the lips and his face softened with a smile. “Thank you for telling me. When Edward tried to sneak into my room without me knowing it really did frighten me. I would feel much safer with you here. You can stay in my room if you like. There’s a chair or you could even sit on my bed next to me.” She blushed Death stood up straight with a smirk and walked over to the chair in the corner of the room. He glanced back to see her smile fall slightly thinking he was going to pick the chair but he placed his cane down leaning it against the seat then began to remove his blazer. Folding it and dropping it in the chair then removing his tie as well and doing the same. He turned and walked slowly back to the bed while unbuttoning just the top couple of buttons on his shirt so he could be more comfortable. A somewhat cocky smirk pulled at the corner of his lips as he noticed Bella bite her bottom lip while blushing. Next, he unbutton his cufflinks and rolled his sleeves up to right above his elbows then climbed on top of her mattress and sat down. His back was straight against her headboard and his arms folded over his chest. Bella turned to face him and laid back down with a yawn. She placed her head on his lap, his legs stretched straight out flat. “Is this okay?” She asked. “Always beauty.” He whispered and ran his hand through her hair watching as she smiled before drifting back off to sleep peacefully.

CH 5

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