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*****Castiel was there the moment Dean woke up from being freed from hell and they have been fighting alongside each other since. The battle between angels and demons to break the seals has lasted a year now but the end is drawing near.*****






Dean and Sam were in a hotel going through adds and obituaries looking for their next case when Castiel appeared in the center of the room looking panicked. The angel immediately started pacing the room back and forth so quickly that his movements caused the papers the boys had scattered about the table to fly off into the floor.


“Cass what’s wrong? You’re freaking us out over here.” Dean spoke loudly to grab the angel’s attention.


Castiel stopped mid stride and turned around facing the humans he considered his comrades, his friends. He walked up to their table and stopped. He didn’t know how to explain everything to them. He didn’t see this coming. Nobody could have predicted this change of events.


“We………” Castiel fumbled with the right words. “have a problem.”


Dean lifted one of his eyebrow’s while Sam snorted.


“We always have a problem, what is it this time? Has another seal been compromised?” Asked Sam.


“I believe you may find this worse..” Castiel sighed running his hand through his hair.


“Worse?” Dean asked surprised. “What’s worse than the seals being broken and releasing Lucifer?”


Castiel looked Dean in the eyes. He would just have to come out with it. He just hoped they wouldn’t be too angry with him for keeping her existence a secret.


“Your sister is in hell….”


Dean and Sam looked at each other than back at the angel before they both began laughing. Castiel sighed irritated. “This is NOT FUNNY!”


“We don’t have a sister Cass.” Dean chuckled.


“Yes you do…. You just didn’t know about her. Your father never told you he had another child.”


Both Winchesters immediately quieted their laughing. Their face’s taking on serious expressions. Deans worried. Sam’s pissed.


“How do we get her out of Hell?!” Dean shouted jumping to his feet. He had been to hell already, if they truly had a sister he wasn’t going to leave her in that place!


“Who is she? Where has she been? Why didn’t he tell us? How old is she?” Sam fired off every question that came to his mind. He didn’t understand. How could his father not tell them something this important? When it came to John Winchester there were always secrets but this is something they should have known about. This was family!


“Her name is Bella Swan, your father left her with one of his old hunting buddies named Charlie Swan in Washington. She just turned 18 a week ago. She was a premature birth, very small. Your father didn’t want her in this life so he kept her secret. His youngest child a little girl. He didn’t want her to fight for her life after he almost lost her when she was born early.”  Castiel than turned to Dean. “I can go to hell and retrieve her like I did you Dean but I will need your help. Heaven won’t be of assistance with this.”


Dean slammed his fist down on the table. “WHY THE FUCK NOT? WHY WAS I SO SPECIAL BUT YET MY SISTER ISN’T?”


“You were born to hunt Dean, plus you and your brother were the ones that started the apocalypse. You’re the only ones that can end it but your sister wasn’t raised the way you were. Heaven doesn’t find her….. useful in this situation.”


Dean flipped the table over shouting profanities. Even Sam became outraged and he was usually the calmer of the two.


Sam shook his head. “She’s out sister. Our YOUNGER sister. I can understand now why dad didn’t say anything especially after some of the shit we have seen and been through… but heaven? This is ridiculous! She isn’t injured or something like that, no. She’s in HELL!”


“Exactly.” Dean said grinding his teeth together. He was pissed off at heaven. Not at Castiel though, he knew that the angel was most likely not supposed to tell them anything. In fact he was going against the others in offering to help them save her. Dean took a deep breath than walked over to Castiel and placed a hand on his shoulder with a gentle squeeze. “What do you need us to do Cass?”


“I have a plan but I need you both to watch my back while I rescue her, cause a distraction to with enough demons that they focus on you while I slip into hell to retrieve her.”


Sam and Dean both had determination in their eyes. They had lost too much already. Nothing was going to stop them from getting back the only family they had left beside each other. This was their baby sister after all.


“Let’s do it Cass.” The brothers chorused.




                                                                                                                     BELLA POV        CHAPTER 2


                                                                         (a week before Cass tells Sam & Dean they have a sister)


Bella was scared. Not for herself but for everyone else. Victoria wanted HER, not the others yet they were all going to go to war to protect her. She wasn’t worth them all getting hurt. If even one of them died than she would have wished she died instead.


The Cullen’s and the pack both were going to fight against Victoria’s new born army but the red head had more on her side than we did. There was no way everyone was going to make it out alive. She wasn’t as oblivious as everyone seemed to think she was.


Alice kept trying to stop her from worrying saying everything would be alright but Bella knew she couldn’t truly see anything with the wolves involved. After Edward dropped her off at home, Bella ran inside and threw herself on her bed. There had to be something she could do. Nobody could die for her. Her life wasn’t worth more than anyone else’s! What’s one life compared to a dozen others.


Charlie wasn’t home yet and wouldn’t be until late, pulling herself up Bella decided to do some cleaning to distract herself. She put Charlie’s clothes to wash while she cleaned the kitchen and living room. When the washer dinged she moved them to the dryer and cleaned their bathroom. Bella actually loved this little house the only problem she had with it was that it had a single bathroom. Next was her room and just as she finished it the dryer dinged. She carried the clothes into her fathers’ room, usually just leaving it on the bed for him to put away. Her mind was still running over all the lives at stake that she didn’t even realize she had started hanging up his clothes to. When she grabbed more clothes and began walking back to the closet her usual clumsiness came in suddenly causing her to trip and fly into the closet. Her shoulder slammed against the back wall behind the clothes hanging up. She braced her hand on the wall and went to push herself up when the wood cracked and her hand went through it instead. Bella pulled her hand back and sat on her knees. She moved the clothes sliding them to the end of the closet. What she thought was a wall was actually a small hidden door deep in the closet.


Bella moved the broken board out of the way than opened the door. She had to pull so hard that she fell backwards. It clearly hadn’t been opened in a long time. Dust flew around her causing her to cough as she reached for her phone to use it as a flashlight.


The door couldn’t be taller than three feet forcing Bella to crawl through it. She felt like Alice in Wonderland, that thought caused her to snort. After she made it into a hidden room there was enough space once again to stand up. Her head bumped into a light bulb, turning her phone around she found a switch. Finally the room was bathed in light and she put her phone away.


It looked like some weird apothecary and library. There were shelves filled with books and vials and bottles. In the corner was a desk with a box on top. Bella walked over to it and opened the box. The movement causing years’ worth of dust to float in the air choking her. She quickly waved her hands in front of her face trying to blow it away so she could see and breath once again.










Inside the box was a journal and some letters. She sat in the old chair by the desk and grabbed everything inside the chest. One after another she opened each letter and read it, tears gathering in her eyes. Bella couldn’t believe it, she wanted to be angry to be lied to for so long but after everything she learned in these letters….. She couldn’t be angry. It would make her a hypocrite. Charlie had lied to her since she was born. Each envelope revealing more and more secrets. Bella wasn’t Isabella Marie Swan…. She was Bella Mary Winchester. No wonder she always preferred Bella over Isabella. It was her ACTUAL name. A man named John was her father and he was a hunter. Everything made so much sense now…


Charlie was this man’s best friend. They hunted supernatural creatures together. John’s wife was killed by a demon he still hunted to this day she assumed because none of the letters ever mentioned him finding it and killing it. These papers telling everything. The whole story. John hunting with Charlie. Him going on a hunt and getting close to finding the monster that killed his wife, only for it to turn into a dead end. John drowning his sorrows in a bar where he met a woman whose life he had saved a few years before. She was being haunted by a very violent ghost. Her name was Amelia and she took John home to sober him up and dress a wound that he himself hadn’t even realized he had, to numb from the whiskey to feel anything. John stayed with her for a while, one thing leading to another till he cared for her and found out she was pregnant with Bella. As she read her tears continued to fall.


Dear Charlie,

I know you quit the hunting game and I’m sorry to ask a favor of you but there is no one that I trust more with this. It’s nothing supernatural I assure you. In fact I want it to stay as far away from this life as possible. Easier said than done I know.

I have a daughter…. She was just born. I ran into that woman Amelia; you may remember her. We saved her from a ghost several years back before you ‘retired’. Anyways I’ll tell you all about it later but the point is we had a daughter her name’s Bella. Unfortunately Amelia died giving birth. I’m begging you Charlie. Please. You know I can’t keep her. God I want to. How I want to but I’m too tied up in this life and I won’t quit till I find the demon that killed Mary. I want you to raise her, love her and take care of her. She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever had in my life but for her own safety… I can’t keep her. It’s ripping me apart. My boys don’t know about her and its better that way you know it is. If they found out they would never leave her. Sam and Dean…. They are becoming better men than me and I’m so proud of them. They value family above all else but we can’t keep her safe and keep hunting. You can though. I know you still have my number somewhere so call and let me know what you decide. Please Charlie don’t make me leave my little girl in some damn orphanage.

P.S. Congratulations on your marriage to that Renee woman. I know this request couldn’t come at a worse time and I apologize for that.                           -John Winchester-



Dear Charlie,

I’m so sorry about Renee leaving you and Bella. If I’d known that this would have caused so much strain on your marriage I would have figured something else out. You two seemed so in love I can’t believe she left just because she didn’t want to take care of a child. I’m glad you have the help of Billy, Harry and Sue though. That was smart to live next to a pack of spirit warriors. If they begin shifting you’ll be warned of other super naturals in the area and the tribe can protect you and our girl. Yea OUR girl. I may be her biological father and love her with all my heart but you’re the one raising her. You will always be more her father than I am. Thank you for sending me pictures of her. She sure is a beautiful girl, you may have to beat the boys away with a bat. I don’t envy you that. Or the ‘girl’ talk. Yea I’m laughing my ass off about that. You poor bastard. Better you than me. I’d just shoot any and all the boys that even looked her way. Lock her in a damn tower. I like the name change by the way. Thank you for incorporating my name for her in with the name you gave her. It makes me smile how determined she is to be called Bella though. That’s our girl. Stubborn. I know being a single father is hard. Damn do I understand it Charlie… but there is no one better suited to it than you. You’re a saint compared to me. I’m a monster and I know it. I’m damned, there will be nothing good left in me by the time this is all over. Sometimes you have to become a monster to destroy one but at least I can die a happy man knowing my princess is happy and safe. I can never thank you enough. You will always be a brother to me.

-John Winchester-



Bella brought her knees to her chest trying to catch her breath. The tears refusing to subside the more she read. Demons? Ghosts? Wendigos? No wonder he left her behind, it was to keep her safe. Charlie not telling her she was basically adopted was for her safety. She wasn’t mad, after all not telling Charlie about the Cullen’s and Victoria was for the same reason. She just wanted him to be safe.


Maybe….. Maybe it was time for the lies to stop.




                                                                                                                    Bella POV CONTINUED      CHAPTER 3


Bella gathered all the letters and walked downstairs. She sat at the dining table waiting for Charlie to come home while praying that Alice wouldn’t see any of this. It was just too personal and she wanted it to stay between Charlie and her at least for now.


He still wasn’t due home for a few more hours because of all the shifts he had been picking up lately due to the missing hikers. So she continued going through the letters. Her emotions going out of control. Everything she learned about the man who was actually her father and the brothers that didn’t even know she existed. Bella understood John’s reasoning for leaving her and she loved him for wanting to protect her but she was also angry. Angry with the way he seemed to put everything on Dean her eldest brother’s shoulders. Letters saying how John would leave Dean to take care of Sam while he hunted monsters. Dean was still a child to but it seemed like he was being the parent. John loved his children she could tell from the way he wrote about them but it was like he was afraid to be a father since he lost his wife and instead left Dean that responsibility. She read that John realized when he wouldn’t make it back to the boys during Christmas or Sam’s birthday that he would find that Dean would steal his brother a present or sale his own things to buy Sam something. John had to start leaving the boys more money in case his hunts ran long because he had come home one time to find out that they had run out of money for food and Dean hadn’t eaten in a couple days to make sure his younger brother had enough to eat.


With each letter her love for her eldest brother grew, he was the kind of sibling she had always wanted. Bella was always taking care of Charlie. She loved it of course and he tried in his own way. Always making sure she had enough money for groceries and errands while being respectful of her privacy but Bella had always wondered what it would be like to have someone that would take care of her they way Dean took care of Sam.


She even learned that Sam had decided to leave and go to college wanting a normal life of his own. John had been against it vehemently but again Dean came to the rescue lecturing his own father about how at least Sam would have a chance to survive if he went to college and how hunters like them died young. That was all it took to get his father to let him go. John had even made a trip every month to the law school Sam was enrolled in just to check on him.


Bella didn’t realize how much time had passed while she was reading until she heard the front door open and close. The sound causing her to jump.


“Bella I’m home.” Charlie shouted while he placed his keys, gun and badge on the table near the front door. He came around the corner and stopped when he saw her sitting in a chair, tears streaming down her face. “What’s wrong Bells?” His face contorted with worry.


Bella launched herself from the chair and into his arms. She gripped his shirt as tight as she could, afraid to let go and cried so hard she couldn’t catch her own breath. Charlie wrapped his arms around her and patted her back. “Ssshhh… It’s okay honey. Whatever is wrong we can fix it. You’re safe with me.”


This only made her cry longer. “Daddy..” She hiccupped


“What is it Bells? You haven’t called me that since you were kid having nightmares about the boogie man.” He chuckled at the memory.


After a while, she didn’t even know how long. The tears slowed til she could breathe again.


“Thank you daddy.”


“For what honey?”


“For loving me and raising me even though….”


Charlie looked down at his daughter, his head tilted to the side. He didn’t understand what had gotten into her.


“Even though what?”


“Even though I ruined your marriage and I’m not your daughter.” She said lowering her head. For the first time. Bella felt hate. She hated Renee for leaving him. Charlie was a great man and a fantastic father. She had never known how much until now but he deserved so much better than that woman.


“Bella what nonsense are you talking about? You are MY daughter and why would you think you ruined my marriage?”


“I found the letters…. From John.” She whispered looking up into his eyes.


His face looked surprised than it turned understanding before landing on solemn.












“I see…” He sighed; Charlie didn’t know where to begin. “Bella I..”


“It’s okay. I’m not angry and you’re right. You are my dad and I love you so much. You will always be my father.”


Bella had never seen Charlie cry but his chin began to tremble slightly from him trying to hold it back but it was a losing battle. He gasped before pinching the bridge of his nose and shutting his eyes tightly. Still the tears started to fall… “Oh Bells…” He bent down and kissed the top of her head twice. “You’ll always be my little girl.”


Bella smiled brightly; she was so proud of him her father. She kissed his cheek. “Thank you daddy.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the table that had all the letters scattered on top. “I think… We need to talk.”


Charlie snorted than threw his head back laughing loudly, this caused Bella to giggle. “Yes sweetheart I think that’s a good idea.”


That sat down at the table but next to each other. Both wanting to be as close as possible right now. This was a time of revelations and truths. It was probably going to be kind of hard on each of them.



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