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Major Character Death

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More tags will be added to stories as the stories progress.


For Example: A lemon will not be added until there are in fact lemons in the story.


Slow Burn





An Original Work
Video Game



Anime Based


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LUCY'S HOME       Pairing: Bella/Lucifer      Crossover: Supernatural/Twilight


STATUS: IN-PROGRESS                  


Bella sacrifices herself to save everyone. Now she's in hell locked in a cage doing her time, but who is the man in the cell next to her? And why does he look at her that way? More importantly why does she like it?

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HELL-BENT      Pairing: Crowley/Bella      Crossover: Twilight/Supernatural




Bella has had enough. She lost the one person she cared about, and now everyone she had ever considered a friend has turned their backs on her. Now she's running for her life while searching for revenge.


What's this book? And who is the king of cross roads? Can he really grant wishes?

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DR SEXY         Gabriel/Bella      Twilight/Supernatural


STATUS: IN-PROGRESS     Genre: Romance


Bella wakes up in Seattle Hospital after Jame's attack confused and fuzzy. One thing she is not confused about is her Doctor. Dr Sexy...

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WINNNING A WINCHESTER        Pairing: Bella/Dean   Crossover: Twilight/Supernatural     

STATUS: In-progress 


Bella is on the run from Victoria when a powerful shockwave shakes her car. What was that? Of course, she has to check it out. What are you getting yourself into this time? Your curiosity is what got you in trouble the first time. What trouble awaits in the new adventure?




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DEATH'S DESSERT      Pairing: Bella/Death    Crossover: Twilight/Supernatural


STATUS: In-progress


He just wanted something sweet to eat until this girl came barreling into him. Why didn't she die? What's this warmth in his chest whenever she smiles at him?

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IN WINTER'S GRASP      Pairing: Bella/Bucky     Crossover: Twilight/Winter Soldier     

STATUS: In-progress


Bella runs to New York in order to lead Victoria and her army away from Forks and the people she cares about. Right when she thinks her times up a man with a metal arm comes crashing in saving the day. But who is he? How can he not know his own name?

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LONELY LORD     Pairing: Bella/Lord Elrond    Crossover: Twilight/Hobbit


Lord Elrond has been lonely since his wife abandoned their family because of her own troubles. He would never admit to his children that he was in pain, but he soon learns he never needed to because they were paying closer attention to his heartache than he realized. His children were determined to show him that he is worthy of love. Will he get his soulmate that they prayed for?

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THE OTHER POTTER      Pairing: Bella/XXX     Crossover: Twilight/Harry Potter


Bella felt like she lost everything, so when Victoria began to torture her well she thought about giving up. That is until her mother and a tall dark haired stranger came busting in with wands blazing to save her.

Wait a wand? I'm a witch? 

What will Bella decide to do now that she knows she has a twin brother named Harry and why did her real parents give her up?

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Don't F With Bella         Pairing: Bella/Caius          Fanfic: Twilight


Bella doesn't wait for the Volturi to find out about her. Instead, she holds her head high and storms straight into the throne room, her father right behind her. King's or not, they're going to listen to her.

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A HAWKE AND A SWAN       Pairing: Clint/Bella     Crossover: Twilight/Marvel


Clint's been given a mission to look into the odd disappearances in Seattle. Instead of answers though he finds more questions and a girl in Forks who fidgets nervously while avoiding eye contact. When he notices the girl looking around like she's waiting to be attacked it pulls at him and his protective instincts. Maybe she needs a hero? Maybe she needs an Avenger.


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HE'S GOT HIS CLAWS IN ME      Pairing: Bella/Logan      Crossover: Twilight/X-Men


Logan gets away for a while after Jean's constant rejection to his feelings, he decides to go see a friend of his. Charlie Swan. Charlie invites him to stay for a while. What will happen? Why is he so protective of his friend's daughter? And why is Bella drawn to him?


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TOUCH ME        Pairing: Bella/Death          Crossover: Twilight/Supernatural


Isabella's time is almost up, and Death comes for her soul. A touch was all it was supposed to take to kill her but instead the very injured girl grabs him and growls "I won't die yet." Why didn't his touch work? Why did he find her in the middle of a forest during a snowstorm? What should he do with her now?




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KARMA      Pairing: Bella/Snape        Crossover: Twilight/Harry Potter


Abandoned in a Mental Institute, alone and unable to communicate to those around her. Will Bella be rescued? Will she even know when she is? Completely catatonic, it'll take those around her to save her life because she's given up.


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PEN-PAL         Pairing: Bella/Voldemort     Crossover: Twilight/Harry Potter


Forced to marry Edward, Bella find's solstice writing in a journal. Only this journal writes back, and Bella finds herself with a friend maybe even a comrade. Who is he though? And what will they do when Bella suddenly stops replying...


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REFLECTION       Pairing: Bella/Dumbledore   Crossover: Twilight/Harry Potter


In 1927 Albus Dumbledore is a young Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor who suddenly gets a new student. Miss Isabella Black. A Slytherin that's a handful and much too tempting. With the war against Grindlewald nearing, how will Albus defeat his old friend and fight against his rising feelings for a student. Where will the future lead?



GOOD BOY        Pairing: Bella/Sirius     Crossover: Twilight/Harry Potter


Escaped from imprisonment thanks to his godson and on the run, where will Sirius go to lay low?

And why does Bella suddenly find herself the owner of a dog? A very LARGE black dog.



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BETRAYED          Pairing: Bella/Marcus           Fanfic: Twilight


What if everything was a lie? The whole thing? Humans, vampires and even Kings were all just pawns in a longer game than they realized. Will the pawns fight back and win?



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ONE NIGHT STAND        Pairing: Bella/Kol          Fanfic: Twilight/VD


Bella knows her time is almost up. Either Victoria or the Volturi is bound to catch up to her now that the Cullens are gone. Just because she's about to die though doesn't mean she can't have some fun along the way. Plus nobody wants to die a virgin right?..



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