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One Night Stand Bella straightened her clothes and ran her fingers through her hair, trying to look half decent. Slowly, she moved towards the door of the pub. Quietly taking a seat in the corner, she ran her eyes across the whole room. How was she even supposed to go about this? As more time passed and no one approached her, Bella got more doubtful that this would work. "I'm never going to have sex," she groaned quietly into her hands.  "I'd think a pretty little thing like you wouldn't have any trouble in that department." Chuckled a deep voice behind her. An accent she'd never heard before.  “Oh, God.” Bella covered her face with her hands. Only gathering enough bravery to peek through her fingers at the man. While she was trying to hide her blush, the stranger moved to sit across the table. A beer bottle in his hand and a smirk on his face. Short but slightly shaggy, deep brown hair, and a strong jawline. Slowly, her hands slipped away from her face. He was dazzling; ‘Edward was average at best by comparison.' “I...uh....” Bella stuttered. The man chuckled again, leaning closer to whisper. “I volunteer as a tribute, darling.” Tribute? “I’m sorry, what?” Bella felt like her brain had completely shut down. Reaching across the table, he grabbed Bella’s hand, pulling it towards himself to kiss her knuckles. His lips moved against her hand when he spoke again, sending chills down her spine. “I’m offering to help you with your problem, darling.” —-------------------------------------------------------------------- Bella stood in the center of the hotel room, nervously fidgeting. Kol circled the girl while sipping his glass of brandy. “Now why are you so nervous, darling?” “I’ve never. First time.” Bella cleared her throat awkwardly. Kol drank the rest of his glass and set it aside. Quietly, he moved to stop right behind her. A hand drifted to rest gently on Bella’s hip. Another hand brushed the hair from her shoulder, revealing her neck. Kol bent to kiss her there, causing Bella to gasp. “Don’t worry.” His lips glided across her skin, only stopping at her ear. Kol nipped at her ear and whispered, “I can be gentle.” His arm wrapped tighter around her waist, so she would be completely against his body. "This is your only chance to back out, darling. Once we start, I won't stop until you're screaming my name." Bella's heart raced in her chest, but she wasn't afraid. This was exciting and thrilling. His hand slid up her throat, turning her face to look up at him. "Say it. Tell me what you want." Bella's eyes glanced at his lips and back at his eyes. Her tongue ran across her lips. "I want you." A playful smirk spread across his face. "My name is Kol. Don't forget it, darling; I wouldn't want you to mess up during your screaming." ​ ​ ​ ​ LEMONS Bella's brain had never been so quiet before in her life. The only thought she had was about his hands gliding across her skin. She wasn't sure when it had gotten this far, but she couldn't stop now either. It was like something or someone else had taken over her. Something about the whole sensation was feral and animalistic. Bella's nails couldn't dig into his skin deep enough; not even the sight of blood was slowing her down. She could feel Kol's own nails brushing lightly down her spine. Flattening his hand, Kol's touch slid over her waist, down her ass, and to her thigh. It was that spot where his grip tightened on her skin and his muscles flexed as he wrapped Bella's leg around his back, spreading her open wide enough that he could flatten his pelvis against her own. Bare hips grinding against more bare hips Kol kissed down her neck to move across her chest.  Bella arched her back further, her panting echoing in his ear. "Push any of your pain onto me, darling. I will take it all." Kol whispered breathlessly in her ear. One hand firmly on her waist, the other grabbing the back of her neck as support.  With Bella's head tilted so far back, she couldn't see the fangs that grew from Kol's mouth. Or feels those same fangs sink into her chest just as his hips snapped forward, taking her virginity with it.  All she felt was a sharp sting that still burned a little and his hands shoving her waist further down into the mattress as he picked up speed. Her body began to heat up until she felt like she was burning. Her thighs tightened with all her strength around his waist. Bella bit her lip so hard that she tasted the blood already forming. Her own hips boldly slid front and back against his. In a single blink of her eyes, Bella's back had been pressed against a wall. Kol's hands on her ass cheeks and Bella's legs around his waist were the only reason she didn't fall.  ​ Bella wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself forward to see his face. Her eyes were blurry, but she was sure there had been something red on his face, but that thought melted away as his lips pressed against her own.  Kol's tongue slid between her lips to slide against her own tongue in a dance of dominance. Though it was unessecary, Bella would submit willingly.  She still didn't know how long it had been since they started, but Kol's hands gripped her ass cheeks so hard there was sure to be a bruise tomorrow and started bouncing her faster. Bella tried to keep up and was doing pretty well until it felt like something in her lower stomach burst. A deep breath in: "Fuck! Kol!" Every muscle in her body tightened at the same time, and for a short moment, she felt like a statue. Kol's hips snapped forward one more time, pressing against her firmly.  Bella could feel Kol's head on her chest as he panted. His breath was hot on her skin. Her body relaxed to a level she had never known before, and Bella rested her head on top of his since she was still stuck between him and the wall.  "How was that, darling?" Kol chuckled without moving. "Wonderful. Fantastic. Just, holy shit," she sighed. "From now on, I won't be quite as gentle. Still want to continue?" Bella glanced down at the top of his head since she was pinned so high up on the wall. "Yes. Please, Kol." She whispered. Kol's hand shot up at an inhuman speed. His fingers felt like stones as they gripped her throat just tight enough that she could barely breathe. Blue eyes with black spider-like veins running below them looked up at her. "As you wish, darling." There was a strong breeze, and Bella found herself flat against the floor on a very fluffy rug. She didn't understand what she was seeing, but still, her legs wrapped around him again. Bella did manage to understand what the fangs meant, but Kol was different. His skin was as warm as her own, and that made her feel strangely safer. Bella kissed him, then bent her neck for easier access. His fangs slowly sink into her flesh, but there's no pain. Instead, she has that feeling in her lower stomach building up again, but this time the burst came in a snap. ​ Kol moved to lay by her side. On his back, he placed his hands behind his head with one knee bent. He made no effort to hide his body from her. His eyes glanced at Bella as she giggled at him. The sound like beautiful wind chimes.  ​ A quick wink and kissy face expression from him had her in fits of giggles all over again.  Causing her to blush was as easy as a smirk on his face.  ​ "So you're a vampire, huh?" Bella whispered.  ​ Kol listened to her heart beat, but it stayed at a calm pace.  "Yes darling. You don't seem too surprised." ​ "I've seen some things." ​ "Not surprising. The world is filled with more supernatural things than they know." Kol flopped on his side roughly and reached for Bella, pulling her against his chest. "Shall I tell you all about the best creature of all?" ​ Bella rolled her eyes. "Don't bother. I've done my research." With a groan, she stretched her body. "Though it looks like the whole thing about not being able to cum inside without permission is crap," She grumbled.  ​ Kol burst out laughing harder than he ever had in his life. He kissed her hard and said, "Oh, I like you." A few more hours later had Bella waking to the sound of Kol's snoring. This was probably the best chance she had to sneak out. As nice as it was to have someone Bella could talk to about everything, she still didn't want to risk getting attached. Luckily, he was a solid sleeper, so it only took her ten minutes to dress and sneak out of the room. He had been gentle at first, as he promised. A vampire that kept his word was a first for her, and she didn't want to risk bringing him into her drama where he could get hurt.  "Goodbye" Bella whispered as she quietly closed the door behind her.

Now an extended story

Saint Nik “Damn it.” Klaus growled angrily, kicking a rock. “Where are these damn werewolves?” “There aren’t any here.” A soft, feminine voice spoke behind him. Klaus spun quickly, surprised he didn’t sense anyone so near. His fangs were bared as black veins spread below his eyes. His brows furrowed in confusion when the girl showed no sign of being afraid. Instead, her head tilted slightly to the side, curiously. She took slow steps toward him until they stood only inches apart. Small hands reached up, fingers sliding across his cheek bones softly. “Are you a vampire?” Yes, I am. Why are you not afraid of me?” He couldn’t understand her behavior. She smiled, even though her eyes showed sadness. “I’m used to vampires attacking me. Guess I must taste good.” Her hands dropped to her sides, and she shrugged, eyes cast downward. Klaus relaxed, standing up straight and hiding his fangs again. He placed a finger under her chin, tilting her head upward. Brown eyes met his blue eyes. “Now who would want to hurt such a beautiful creature?” He smirked as her face grew red. “You don’t have to make fun of me.” She huffed and swatted his hand away like one would a fly. Turning her back to him, she began to walk away. Klaus ran after her, but at human speed so as not to startle her. “Wait, you said there are no werewolves here. I’ve heard rumors that state otherwise.” He kept a steady pace next to her as they continued their way closer to the trees. “The only thing here is shapeshifters, though they do take the form of wolves; they're about the size of a car.” Klaus sighed. Yes, I understand the mix up now. I’ll have to try somewhere new.” “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that there are real werewolves as well since I already know about vampires and shifters. Though…” She glanced at him, never slowing her pace. “I’ve never seen your kind of vampire before.” “Ahh, no wonder you’ve been attacked. Cold ones,” Klaus scoffed. “Febel weaklings. They are not true vampires.” The girl stopped in her tracks, turning to face him. Her eyes were serious. “Weak? You’re stronger than a cold one?” See, darling, my kind get stronger the older we are.” “That’s amazing.” She sounded awed. Klaus chuckled. "Having a cold one problem, I'm assuming?" "Not lately." Bella shrugged. Klaus went to speak but was cut off by a growl behind him. They both turned at the same time to see a cold one standing there in the field. "Laurent?" Bella asked. "I've finally found you; Victoria will be pleased." "Victoria? Why is she around?" He could hear the confusion in her voice. "To kill you, of course. Mate for a mate, though." Laurent hummed for a moment in thought. "You smell as delicious as I remember. I could eat you now as an act of mercy. Victoria will want to torture you." They watched as he licked his lips in hunger. Klaus just sighed, as if bored. "No cold one problem, hmm." He mocked. "No need to be a dick about it." Bella huffed while crossing her arms and sending him a glare. "And we really didn't until just now." "Would you like me to get rid of it?" Klaus smirked confidently. "Well, if you're offering. Go on." She waved him away. "I'm not offering." He chuckled. "A trade instead." "What could you possibly want from me?" "Dinner with me." "Seriously?!" She groaned, irritated. "Are you asking me to eat dinner with you or be your dinner?" "Oh, I'm not picky." Klaus teased. "I'll let you choose." Laurent growled loudly. "Stop acting as though I'm not here!" Laurent ran towards Bella with a snarl. "Yes!" Bella screamed "Yes what? And I want your word." Klaus sighed, testing her patience. "Yes, damn it! I'll go to dinner with you. You have my word, please!" Bella was panicking and gasping for air as she watched Laurent blur through the field, growing closer. The moment Laurent came within five feet of Bella, he disappeared. A blink was all it took. "Where?" Bella started to ask, but the question turned into a scream when Laurent's head hit the ground with a thud, right in front of her feet. "No need for screaming love. What time should I get you for dinner? I'm thinking sevenish." Klaus stroked his chin, thinking out loud. Bella noticed Laurent's body in front of Klaus and venom dripping from Klaus's fingers. "Holy shit," she whispered. Klaus pulled a cloth from his pocket and used it to clean his hand off. "Public dinner? Or private? Also, I will be bringing up the topic of this Victoria if you want to take that into consideration for your choice." Bella just gaped at him. She tried to reply but ended up stuttering, "" "Excellent choice, love. When are you free?" Klaus pulled her close to his side. His arm wrapped around her waist, dragging his knuckles down her spine. "Now." She gasped. Chill bumps spread across her arm. "Even better." Klaus smirked, then took off at super speed to his car. Within a couple minutes, they were both in his black BMW, headed towards Seattle. "Where are we going?" Bella's voice sounded nervous. "You asked for private, so I figured room service at my hotel suite. Can't get more private." He chuckled mischievously. "Why sweetheart? Have a bedtime?" Klaus asked while making a pouty face. "Jerk!" She swatted his arm as hard as she could but ended up laughing with him. "And no, well, not today." She turned her face away, hiding her blush. "Lucky me. When do you need to be back?" "By Sunday evening. My dad is fishing for the weekend and won't be home until then." Klaus smiled and slammed on the gas pedal, speeding up. Couple Hours Later........ Klaus and Bella sat in his hotel room; their food had just been delivered, and he was pouring them drinks. "So how about a story while we eat?" He asked. "What kind of story?" "The story of Victoria and the human surrounded by shifters and cold ones." Klaus sipped his wine. "Can I make it a Cliff Notes version at least?" Bella sighed loudly. "Very well." "Girl falls for boy. The boy turns out to be a cold one. Her best friend ends up being a shifter. Shifter and Cold One hate each other. Drama. Accidents. Blood. Boy abandons girl in the forest because he's bored of her. Girl gets depression. Her best friend helps her but falls in love with her. She doesn't feel the same. Best friend abandons her. As for Victoria, Her mate tried to eat me. The boyfriend and his family kill the mate. So now she wants me dead, I guess. The end." Bella took a bite of her food, happy to be done with the story. "I know what it's like to be abandoned." Klaus says, his eyes staring off into the distance. "I'm sorry." Bella spoke softly. "No one should feel like that." "So they never bothered to kill her as well?" "Well, one of them voted to hunt Victoria down and kill her, but he was outvoted and has to listen to the coven leader. He's also the one who actually killed her mate." He saw her smile sadly but with fondness for whoever she spoke of. "At least he had a brain, it seems. Shall I kill this Victoria as well?" Bella snorted. "And how much is that going to cost me?" Klaus chuckled. "You catch on quickly, love. How about just dinner again?" "Really? That's all you want?" Taking another bite of his dinner, Klaus just shrugged. "I'm just a nice guy, like that." "Riiiight." Bella replied, sounding skeptical. "Fine than, yes. I don't want to risk anyone getting hurt because of the mess my ex left me in." "Very well, as you wish, love." Klaus moved their empty plates to the sink, then led her to the couch, where they sat next to each other. "I told you practically my whole life story; what's yours?" Bella asked him. "You only gave me the cliff notes, plus my life story is much longer than yours." "I still want to know. You can use the Cliff Notes version to." "I'm not even sure if my story could fit in notes." Klaus chuckled. "Anything. I want to know something about you to." Her blush spread across her whole face. Even her forehead. "I'll try." Klaus thought about how to shorten his as well before replying. "Brother died. Mother was a witch and turned the rest of us into vampires so she wouldn't have to lose another child. Shortly after, it was discovered that I was illegitimate. She had cheated on who I thought was my father, Michael. Michael decided to hunt me down and kill me, and I'm still on the run." "How long have you been running?" Klaus's eyes fluttered closed for a moment when her hand moved to cup his cheek. There was worry in her eyes. "A thousand years." He felt her moving closer to him. Next, her lips pressed against his cheek, and his eyes popped open to look at her. Again, he felt like he was falling into a pool of caramel or honey due to those damnable eyes. He couldn't take another moment of it. With a twist, his head turned enough that he could press his lips against hers. A hand slipped into her hair, leaning her head back slightly. "I'd prefer a genuine kiss from you, sweetheart." Klaus watched her eyes switch from staring at his face to the wall in an attempt to hide her blushing. "I haven't kissed much before." She had admitted. He chuckled. Her admission turning him on. "Shall I teach you? This offer is free of charge." His breath whispered in her ear. Klaus could see her pupils dilate with desire, but something was stopping her. "It's just an offer, love. You can turn it down." "You would let me?" "I'm an asshole, I'll admit, but not a rapist." His fingers started to uncurl, releasing her hair. "It's only pleasurable if you want it as badly as I do." "Than, yes. Teach me." She whispered shyly. Roughly, Klaus slammed his lips against hers, teasing her tongue with his own. Deepening the kiss, causing moans to slip from her mouth. He could feel her body tremble, sensitive to his touch. Klaus wrapped both arms tightly around her, lifting her into his lap. They pulled away from each other to catch their breaths. "I won't be taking you home for two nights. So how do you wish to spend them, love?" His smirk grew wider as her blush darkened. Sunday. 6pm. Klaus pulled in front of Bella's house. He gripped her hand, kissing her knuckles. "I'll contact you when Victoria is disposed of." "Thank you, Klaus." Bella kissed the edge of his lips shyly. He smiled gently at her as he opened his door. His body freezing halfway out of the car when the smell of blood filled his nose. "Klaus? What is it?" "I smell blood. Lots of it." Her eyes grew wide in panic. "Charlie.." She gasped, jumping out of the car and running towards the house. "Wait!" Klaus growled, and using his speed, he was able to beat her to the door. "Stay behind me at least." Bella nodded and moved to stand behind his back as he entered her house. Klaus halted when he reached the edge of the living room. "Jesus," he growled, spinning to shove her face into his chest. "You don't need to see this." "What? What is it, Klaus?!" She screamed, her body shaking in fear. "Your father is dead, love. I'm sorry." And truly he was. He knew this girl was too gentle a soul to deserve any of this. "NO!" Bella screamed and beat against his chest, trying to free herself. "I need to see!" "No, you don't, love. Let the last time you saw your father be the last image you have of him. Not this." Klaus tried to soothe her as he kissed the top of her head several times. "You're right." She sobbed with a hiccup. Klaus turned her around toward the exit. "Go wait in the car for a moment." He dangled his keys over her shoulder. "I'll try to be quick." He watched her nod, tears still streaming down her cheeks, as she walked away with his keys. Klaus kept his eyes on her until she was in his car with the doors locked. There was so much blood, it looked like someone had played jump rope with Charlie's corpse. Klaus growled angrily. His steps were slow as he had to be careful not to step on any 'pieces.' A slip of paper made a flapping sound next to the coffee table. Retrieving it from the table, Klaus began to read, becoming more enraged with every passing word. Bella, Your father was just the beginning. Watch as my newborn army wipes out your little dog squad. I want you to watch everyone you love die before I snap that neck of yours. Come to La Push. Hope you're not late. -V- In his anger, Klaus had ripped the letter to shreds. Over the weekend, he had managed to get the more detailed story from her and wanted to kill these cold ones and that friend of hers. She had done nothing to deserve any of this. He sped around the house, gathering things for her to keep, but not so much that it was noticeable. This was most likely going to piss her off, but he had to cover this murder up. So off came the gas hose attached to the wall behind the oven. With a full bag, Klaus strolled out the door, flicking a match behind him as the whole house went up in flames. The moment he sat in the car, he turned to her, waiting for the lecture or name calling but nothing happened. It worried him. "Bella?" Klaus called out. "Your home.." He mumbled, unsure of how to continue. He watched as her shoulders straightened and she let out a deep breath, as if she were gathering strength. "It's okay. I get it." She smiled at him. Not happily, of course, but he could see that she was grateful. In a moment of tenderness, Klaus pecked her gently on the lips. Then sped off to their next destination. He was already driving towards La Push as he told her about the letter. The girl was much to caring for her own good, and she begged him to get there in time to save the pack, just as he'd predicted would happen. His tires screeched to a stop in front of the Alpha's house. At least that's what Bella told him. A group of tribal Indians that looked like body builders came running out of the home towards them, surrounding the car. Klaus followed Bella to the man he assumed was the alpha she spoke of. "Sam! There's a newborn army of cold ones headed here right now. We have to evacuate the homes. Where is everyone?" Bella rushed to explain. "We sensed something coming, so I gathered everyone here except Jacob. He wouldn't answer me." "Well, where would he be?" "I guess he's still on patrol. You didn't see him? He's patrolling behind your house today." Klaus could see that information hit her like an anvil as she stumbled back against his chest. His hands latched onto her arms, steadying her. "Bella, what's wrong?" Sam asked. The shock was written all over her face; there was no way she could speak at the moment, so Klaus had to answer. "We just came from her home. Her father is dead; it was only a couple hours old." The insinuation clear. "Oh god, Bella, I didn't know. I promise Jacob will pay for this, but right now we, as the pack, will have to run for it as well. Thank you for warning us, Bella, but there are only five of us. We can't fight an army." Sam told her, sounding defeated. "You can't make it far enough in time, Sam. Cold ones are fast." Bella had finally calmed down enough to speak again. "There's no other option for us." The silence dragged on for several seconds as they tried to think of a plan. Klaus looked to Bella, finding her brown eyes, which were quickly becoming a weakness, staring back at him as if begging for a solution. Klaus had a selfish thought of what it would feel like if someone as caring as her cared for someone like him. "It would be easy, but..." He sighed dramatically. "It IS an army. These clothes are quite expensive to replace if they get dirty." Bella's rolled her eyes, giggling at his childish display. "What is it you want this time?" Klaus gripped her chin tightly, pulling her inches from his face. "You." "No!" The entire pack protested; they didn't want her to lose her freedom again now that she had it back from Edward. But Bella wasn't the kind of person to risk all of their lives just out of pride. A symphony of growls came from the coast as dozens of cold ones crawled out of the ocean waves and began walking up the beach. Bella's hand made a fist as she watched the newborns continue to grow in number. "Klaus." She called out to him. Her eyes reached his with a sharpness that spoke of an anger Klaus hadn't been sure she even possessed. "Kill them all." Klaus smirked while handing her his jacket. "This'll be fun." He chuckled darkly, then took off at a speed faster than any of the others could keep track of.


Aro sat in the hotel restaurant nodding along with some stupid humans, completely bored. A scent suddenly reached his nose; he had to have it. Quickly, his eyes darted about, searching for its origin. When the most magnificent creature he'd ever seen walked by. Mahogany hair flowed along her back. Her blood red dress was tight with a high slit on the leg. "Hmmmm..." He hummed and continued to nod along. "Yes, yes, yes, of course, and we can certainly speak more about this later. I'm afraid something has come up, and I really must go." Aro stood quickly, tapping the man on the shoulder as he did so in greeting. The brunette stepped into the elevator. Aro caught up and followed her in. Jane and Alec close behind as well. The woman turned around to press her floor button when she spotted him next to her. Aro was confused at first when her heart beat skyrocketed for a moment only to go steady within a second. He smirked to himself when he saw the button she pressed. The elevator doors closed, and Aro took the opportunity. "We are on the same floor, it seems." Again an oddity, her muscles tightened to the point of coils, then relaxed completely. "So I see." She replied meekly, a shake in her voice. The doors opened, and Aro stood to the side, letting her out first. He may have taken a teeny glance down her dress as she walked by, though. Their steps were somehow in sync despite the height difference, so he followed her all the way to her room. She ignored them as her hand went to the doorknob. "Have dinner with me?" Aro asked suddenly, and practically purred at the sight of her surprised face. "With me?" She squeaked. He chuckled. She was adorable. "Yes." Aro replied while bending to kiss her hand. "It would be my honor, Bellisima." Standing to his full height, Aro took another step closer and looked down into her eyes. He only wished he could feel her skin; his handgloves stopped him from feeling her warmth. "Your answer beautiful." The girl's mouth opened and closed several times before she gave up and just started nodding. Her hands fumbled to unlock her door. His smile was dangerous: "Excellente. I'll get you at 8." Again, he kissed her knuckles just as she got the door unlocked. Her hand slipped away from his, but the girl never stopped nodding, even as she slammed the door in his face. Aro chuckled. She was just as skittish as a mouse, which would make him the cat. It didn't bother him at all, since it was so accurate. That was a mouse he wanted to eat. Aro knocked on the door and laughed quietly as he heard her speed up, practically running, followed by a loud thump and a mumbled 'ow'. "Ummm... One sec." She called out with an awkward laugh. He cleared the laughter from his throat, saying, "Take your time, dear; there's no rush." Faster than he expected, her door swung open. "Umm... Hi." She whispered, her face turning crimson. Hello, beautiful. I've been excited to see you again." He pulled her closer, shutting her room door behind her. Aro reached for her hand and placed it on his arm as he excorted her downstairs. "So what brought you here? To this hotel, I mean." "Um... I received a free weekend trip to New York. Free stay here." "Hmm. Aren't you the lucky one?" He winked down at her and chuckled as her face engulfed in red once again. "Perhaps we will both be lucky this evening." Aro smirked seductively and decided that he had tortured her enough by now. Her face was practically a beacon at this point. Aro thanked the hostess as they were taken to an area he had reserved privately. Soon they had a whole room to themselves. They sat at a small table; the only other ones there were Jane and Alec near the doors. "If this is a vacation for you, may I ask where you came from?" "Ummm..W...Washington." She stuttered out. The girl was a ball of nerves; even her hands were shaking as she grasped the glass of wine and chugged the whole thing. Washington, you say?" Aro couldn't stop smiling for some reason. "MmmmmHmmmm." She nodded vigorously, her cheeks puffing out slightly from being full of wine. Aro covered his mouth, trying his best not to laugh. His shoulders were shaking from the effort, but when she gulped it down loudly, he broke. His head fell back in laughter so loud that he snorted. He couldn't stop, and it only got worse when she stood up suddenly. The anger making her face red again. "Fuck you, asshole." She turned to storm out, her hand on the doorknob. Aro rushed forward, slamming the door shut before she could escape. "I apologize, dear. I just can't seem to understand how any woman could be so beautiful." He whispered while leaning closer. Pinning her against the wall. "Sexy," his breath on her ear. "And..." He stood and ran his thumb along her lips. "Absolutely adorable." Her breath hitched, and her head pounded. She was only given a moment before he captured her lips against his own. The moment she gasped, Aro's tongue entered her mouth, stroking everywhere it could reach. She hopped up and wrapped her legs around his waist like she was his belt. Aro growled as the scent of her arousal hit him. His pelvis pressed against hers, roughly holding her against the wall. He reached behind him to wave off his guards, and he heard the doors close. That was his red light as he drove the bulge forming in his pants against the wet spot on her panties. She tossed her head back with a gasp; her whole body was tensing up. Aro's lips left a trail of kisses down her neck, across her collar bone, and then his tongue would lick up the crevice between her breasts. "Fuck." She moaned. Aro chuckled; she had quite the nasty little mouth on her. Soon her hips were rolling against him in perfect sync, and he found himself panting. She was so wet that he could hear the squish of liquid at every movement. Aro pressed one knee against the wall and used it as a sort of chair for her in case she got tired. His right hand squeezed her thigh hard; he wanted to mark her in some way. The left hand was holding her hand while it was pinned above her head. "Shit." Made it out of her lips between kisses, turning him on even further. His hips rocked faster; they may have been only dry humping, but he couldn't stop now, even if God himself demanded it. The vibrations from his growl grew harder with volume. Bella could feel it through her entire body, setting her nerves on fire until she burst. "Aro!" She called out as her orgasm shot through her body like electricity. Aro rested his forehead on her chest, panting. His hand shot forward and curled around her throat. He stared into her eyes, seeing the fear there. Aro slid her down the wall until they were nose-to-nose. His hand tightened around her throat more until it was hard to breathe. He kissed her again, then pulled back. She could still feel his lips close to hers as he spoke, "I never told you my name. Who are you?" "Bella..... Cullen."

F****d Up Way To Meet Your Mate Bella stood before the Volturi, with Edward by her side. She never imagined that she would meet the kings. "Still, there must be a punishment." Aro chastised Edward like he was an infant. "But I didn't reveal myself!" Edward argued back, sounding every bit the child he was being treated as. "Either way, you broke the law, Cullen!" Caius snarled angrily. "You told her of our kind and didn't turn her or kill her. One of our most important laws." "Exactly Caius! Thank you." Aro chuckled. "He's right, dear Edward. Now, it's only a matter of deciding the punishment." Bella watched as Aro's face lit up; obviously, a decision had been made. "NO! I WON'T LET YOU! BELLA IS MINE!" Edward screamed before launching himself at Aro. The biggest vampire Bella had ever seen quickly had Edward pinned to the ground with such force that a crater had formed around his body. "Thank you, Felix." Aro praised his guard. "I'm sure you must be confused, dear Bella. I had made my choice, and it seemed a quite effective punishment for young Edward here." "What is going to happen?" Bella asked nervously; her eyes bore into the king. "I want you to join us." For a moment, she stood there in stunned silence, not believing her ears. "Me? But why? I'm not worth anything." Oh, but you are! You have an extremely rare gift, my dear. Which is why I offer you a position here among my guard, and of course we will turn you. Join the Volturi." Bella's gulped at being put in the spotlight. Her eyes darted to Edward's face; it looked as enraged as she had imagined. "These people are monsters, Bella! You'd have to feed on humans here. Turn him down!" Edward demanded. She didn't know if she would fit in here, but Bella knew one thing. She didn't want to stay with Edward, and if she did go back to Forks, he'd never turn her. Mind made up, "Yes." "NO, BELLA! YOU CAN'T!" Edward continued to scream as Felix dragged him away from the castle. Soon it was just her, alone in a room full of strange vampires. Jane, dear, show our newest member to her room. We will decide on a date for your turning at another time, Bella. First, I think you should try to create some bonds among our guard so you won't feel threatened when you awake from your transformation." Bella was grateful for the explanation. She was already getting honest answers here, something she could never get from the Cullens. "Come on, you can ask me anything on the way." A small blonde vampire spoke. She must be Jane, Bella thought while taking in her size. Jane was even smaller than Alice. Bella liked her instantly. "Thank you." She followed Jane through a large set of doors, which she hadn't noticed earlier. They continued down a wide hallway. It truly looked like an old castle on the inside. Rock and concrete walls and floors. Torches were mounted along the pathway walls. The floor had a very long red and gold rug running down it. "Jane, what exactly do the Volturi do?" "We guard the kings when they leave the castle and get sent on missions to handle other vampires that are breaking the laws." "Sooo... your cops?" Bella smiled. Jane giggled. "Yeah, I guess so." "I think I heard that you have a twin brother." "Yep. Alec. His gift is cutting off the senses. He's probably held up in his room streaming video games." Bella couldn't help but snort at the normalcy of it. "Sorry, it's just so normal, teen boy." She made Jane giggle again. Well, what else would we do? You think our interests change just because our species does? Should I have a virgin blood jacuzzi party?" At that, both girls laughed until Bella had tears in her eyes. "Okay, okay. You have a point, Jane." "I thought so!" Jane smirked and stopped in front of a door. "This'll be your room. Mine's to the right of yours. Master Aro will most likely be planning to place you in the upper guard, so I figured I'd go ahead and give you a room with us." "Thanks, Jane, but are you sure about being put in the upper guard?" "My gift didn't work on you; neither did Master Aro's. The only explanation there is is that you have a mental shield. It's a very rare gift. Physical shields of some sort are a fairly common gift, but not mental ones. They only come from people with special minds. Trust me, you'll be up here with us." "It was that easy to figure out? But every time I asked Carlisle, he said he didn't know why I could keep Edward out of my head." "I don't like that man, but he should have known that at least." "I'm starting to notice a few lies." Bella felt so betrayed. She thought of them as family. Loved them. "I'm sorry, Bella. You'll only get the truth here. We take our jobs and being a coven very seriously. How about I leave you to get settled." Bella nodded while rubbing her eyes. Jane's eyes softened in her direction. "You look tired. This hallway ends at a room filled with fresh towels, if you want to shower and go to sleep." "That sounds wonderful, actually. Are there any other rooms down there?" "Nope, so you can't get lost. Nobody goes down there unless they want to take a shower, so the hallway is usually empty. Vampires can't stink." "I didn't know. Huh. That's good to know." Bella waved to Jane as she started to head in the direction of the towel room. She smiled when Jane waved back before darting away. Bella was still nervous about being a part of the Volturi, but so far, the coven seemed a lot nicer than she had been told. Another lie from the Cullens—big surprise. She thought sarcastically, rolling her eyes. A strange noise reached Bella's ears, scaring her for a moment. Her first thought was ghosts, followed shortly by calling herself an idiot. Slowly, she tiptoed closer to where the sound was coming from. There was a spot in the hall where a torch had gone out, leaving a dark spot. As soon as Bella stepped into it, she could see what it was. Her body felt frozen in place, and her eyes growing wide. She gasped in shock loud enough to catch one of the vampires attention. Red eyes landed on her, but instead of feeling fear, she felt safe for a second. It was quickly ruined by the scene she had come across. Bella's eyes darted to his bare ass, causing her to blush bright red at the display. She was ashamed to admit it took her a moment to notice the woman's whose legs were wrapped around him. The moment her eyes met his, though, she knew who he was. She might be human still, but this man, currently balls deep in some bimbo, was her mate. Her real one. Not Edward. She didn't know if she should be grateful it wasn't Edward or run off in heartbreak because she had actually found her real mate, only to find him in the middle of a hallway with his pants around his ankles, screwing someone. It was obvious he had felt it too; she noticed how his eyes grew wide and his hips stopped. He had frozen in place; it was obvious he didn't know how to handle this situation. Neither did she. So Bella did the only thing that felt right in the moment. She turned around and walked away, leaving him there. Relieved when he didn't race after her.

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